Originally Posted by
THE Govoni
As a rule, Dylan was usually relaxed after start-of-term Feasts...His belly was full and with no pressing assignments hanging over his head, he could just...be.
Not this time, however.
How could he be, though? The Captain had been forced to look at...those gremlin-looking creatures while he'd been attempting to eat. And not gizmo gremlin...but the ones that pop up after they get sprayed with water. Gah! How anyone could keep their food down with them in the room totally escaped him.
Which is why Dylan had escaped as quickly as he could. To his Common Room. Where House Elves knew better than to make themselves known.
So, here he was, sprawled out on the couch, reading. Yes, you seen it here first, ladies and gentleman. Recreational reading...
Well the second year could speak now but West hadn't had much to say on the way to the common room. Except the password to get in of course.
Loooooooooooooooooooooooook. Cap'n.
He bounded over in a few steps and threw himself in a comfy chair.
"I have to go get my broom from the healer lady." That was hello.
"What are you reading?" That was 'sup.