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Ella laughed again and shook her head. "That would definitely not be good." Whew. It was a relief to her that he had a sense of humor. It was good to know she wasn't working with a bunch of stick-straight squares.
Black market? Ella raised her eyebrows at that, even though it probably shouldn't have surprised her that much. It was actually kind of intriguing. Nodding again, she took a gulp of her tea. "I know what you mean. Then again, you kind of have to have a million contacts with a position like yours. And mine, what with all the dragon reserves and everything else out there. Although, it is rather hard to contact mermaids." She laughed a little and adjusted a slightly crooked folder on her desk. Not many people spoke mermish, though Ella was learning.
"I know what you mean," she said again. "I like being on the move. I need excitement." And that explained the several years of her traveling around with her husband. Ella's eyes flickered to the portrait of them on her desk before she quickly turned around refilled her tea mug.
"Nope not at all." he said chuckling with her. It was nice to know he could feel free to laugh with his fellow heads, and not feel uncomfortable doing so, or feeling like it was forced.
He saw her lifted eyebrows, and mentally shrugged. Well every job held different things, and his had always dealt with working with the black market. Some things were only able to be purchased that way! And sometimes it was the only way to catch the bad guys that were trying scam innocent witches and wizards not to mention muggles! "In some ways yes, some times I have to deal with people I'd really rather not want to deal with but do, just so the job gets done." He was sure that she had some people that were the same though, but probably not along those same lines. Nodding as she mentioned dragon reserves. "Yep, just depends on the job. Hmm, I don't speak mermish, that's one that I've had a hard time learning. Though Troll and Gobbledygook were hard enough to learn, not all points and grunts you know." Wrinkling his nose he took another drink. The goblins he'd dealt with on occasion didn't make it any easier either!
"Definitely. I think this is the first time I've actually settled down." Grinning lopsidedly "Guess marriage does that to a guy." Yep, he'd been willing to settle down once he and Kat had finally gotten serious!