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Old 09-05-2012, 12:58 AM   #233 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dee-Dee View Post
Harland looked back up at Gavin as he addressed himself and the girl - Elizabeth, was it? - and nodded slightly at his words, though he had been present for part of that. "I had a big breakfast, but thank you," Harland said with a small smile. Well, it was partly true. Even though he hated eggs, he did have a good size stack of pancakes...yesterday.
Harland was a bit quieter, Gavin had always noticed, but not unpleasantly so. Smiling his way he nodded. He wasn't going to push for people to eat if they weren't hungry! "If you're sure." he said nodding to the man.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Sophie continued to be silent as Gavin spoke to everyone in the department. She was always the type who was more of keeping her mouth shut and her ears open then being a blabber mouth. Sophie did not need to throw compliments n Gavin's direction because he knew that she was proud of his promotion. She was always the silent type- no need to speak unless spoken to. That was why she was good at her job, she got her work done.

As he spoke more, she just keep her ears open. More promotions? Wow, Gina rarely ever did that. The only one that Sophie could remember was her own when she became the Liaison for the Department. She was glad to see people moving up. t was a nice motion.
He watched Sophie for her reactions to his decisions. When she didn't comment, he was glad that at least outwardly she didn't disagree. Thinking back he was sure that Sophie was the only one to be promoted in the time he'd been in level 5. She'd definitely earned it, but it reminded him that the promotions should be spread out and definitely earned.

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
As the conversation continued Dart continued eating up he's food, it was only when he was done that he actually looked up to the everyone that was there. He was half listening to Gavin and half focusing on the people around him. He was looking to see which ones looked worthy of any bit of he's amazing espect, besides Gavin of course he already some.

It was then he saw a lady that looked rather beautiful lady (Sophie) and to him beauty meant he had to respect. He winked at her because that's what he thought respect was and then smirked at her showing he's bright white teeth. He then looked back at the purple diary.

Still it was not opened. He began fiddling with the lock. He had tried everything possible, including magic...but nope it wouldn't open and that meant one thing. He's neice was hiding something huge in this diary.
His gaze drifted back to Dart, what was with that little purple book that he was back to trying to open. It definitely had peaked Gavin's curiosity a few times now. Mentally shrugging he was definitely going to make a note to ask him about the book.

"As I mentioned we will be having new employees joining us soon. If anyone is unhappy with your position or would like something a bit more challenging, please find me after the meeting. I'd like everyone settled into your positions and new positions well before the new employees arrive." Letting those words sink in he looked at each one around the table again.

"I want to leave the meeting with one last thing. It will be our level's turn to host the Ministry Christmas party." Yep, big announcement! "I'll be sending a memo out in the next few days for us to do some planning. So please watch for the memo. If anyone has any ideas for the party and planning please drop me a memo as well."