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Will could tell that Nell was relieved when he said that he wanted to work on just being friends. He was glad to see that she liked his answer. There was a large part of him that thought maybe it was best if he just walked away. He knew that if they were friends it would be hard to sit back and watch her with another guy, yet he also knew that he could never walk away from her again. He would do whatever she asked of him, and if she wanted to be just friends, well that her bestfriend he would be.
Hearing Penelope's laugh he couldn't help but let out a small laugh himself. It had been so long since he had heard it. "Good" he told her as Nell said that Edmund was a great guy. "you deserve nothing left" now he just only hoped that she was telling the truth. This Edmund bloke better be nothing short of the cat's meow. "I look forward to it" he told her as she mentioned once again meeting Edmund. Edmund. That was such a propper name. Eddy he would officialy be referred to in Will's head. Yes that seemed to suit the boy he had yet to meet much better.
His comments and reaction hadn't exactly been what she was expecting. It surprised Nell that he was so adamant that her guy be worthy of her. She supposed it was lingering guilt of how he had left things. Well that was all well and good but she would prefer to put this all behind them.
Moving on would be good.
On that mental note Nell decided to change the subject.
"So how's your sister?" His sister was always a good topic and one that didn't have him shutting down in anger.