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:: Ganymede made a tight face when she read the latest note. She wondered if she should kick Lex off the table for the time being til the whole thing smoothed over. Ganymede never had detention in a dungeon before. She preferred the quicker methods of punishment that lasted a minute and let her get back on her way. Being locked up would make her crazy and probably actually be a deterrent to her unfortunate behavior. No, that wasn't going to happen.
"Lex, This is going to sound mean. But, you have to understand. If you are going to be getting in any trouble and you know that you will get caught.... make sure I am like... across the school when this happens. Ok? I don't want to be in any cold dungeon unless I am making my way to the Slytherin Common rooms." She scooted a few inches away from Lex subconsciously. "You can sit here til the end of the Feast, but take that Gryffindor brain of yours and try to think of a solution. Maybe I can talk to the other students, any of them in Slytherin?" She asked. If there were any Slytherins in trouble, she hoped they would be easier to convince. ::
Lex watched her make a face at her after reading the last thing she wrote and made her own face at the girl. She took the paper and scribbled again.
Don't give me that look, it's not like you'll be getting in any trouble no matter what! Technically she had to most to lose because she was at the snake table were they would all pick up for each other and leave her hanging.
She watched her place some cinnamon bread on her plate and scowled down at it. The gesture was a nice one and though the words were a bit screwy she could see that the girl was trying to make her feel better but now every time she looked at the food her stomach wrenched. She sighed then pushed the plate away.
Thanks, but I'm not hungry anymore... She scrobbled. In fact she felt sick...
Lex's eyes went wide when the girl told her what she did. She grabbed for the paper so fast that she hit her hurt her wrist, wincing a bit she straightened the paper then scribbled.
What makes you think I'd get caught when I'm going around having fun? This is only a little set back you have nothing to worry about but fine...I won't include you in the fun. She could stay down in her dungeon commonroom and be bored if she wanted Lex to stay away when she was having her fun. It was all the same to her.
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Ariana shook her head at the odd snake "your smart but you have a lot to learn firstie." she said to her
Ariana was tired.. TIREDDDDD of this girls whining.. even through paper. she drew her wand and made sure professor meany man pants wasnt watching and casted "Silencio" on her quietly before slipping her wand away "there, now Shut up and eat!"
Lex tried squealing in delight and was even more pleased when no sound came out! She threw her arm around the girl, being careful not to hurt her wrist again and gave her a little squeeze then took to the paper once more: