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Lex shook her head. That could have been a great plan and it could have worked brilliantly if she wasn't sure that the boys--especially West--were trying their hardest to make sure that she lost house points. They would have said they opposite of what she said then it would end up being two against one; she didn't like those odds.
That wouldn't work and I don't think I wanna lie to the Professor. She scribbled then handed the paper to her. Oh wait! She took it back and scribbled again. It's a bad idea and he'll know that we're lying then things will get even worse. There, she handed her the paper again.
Now normally Lex wouldn't care about getting in trouble in fact it was fun at her old school but not here!! [/i]NOT[/i] when there was a scary bat-girl in her house that would have beaten her to a pulp for making them lose so many house points. That and she was through losing points.
Oh but then she had to answer that last question so she took the paper again. Hmm..let's see, he could get even more angry then throw me in a dungeon for the rest of my life! She didn't care that she was over exaggerating at the moment because she had to get her point across. Jeez, did all snakes think like that?!
Sigh. Apparently they did. She shook her head at the older one. If anything she should have been the smart one trying to put the charm back or something instead of sipping away at her pumpkin juice and expecting Lex to be quiet and lie.
:: Ganymede made a tight face when she read the latest note. She wondered if she should kick Lex off the table for the time being til the whole thing smoothed over. Ganymede never had detention in a dungeon before. She preferred the quicker methods of punishment that lasted a minute and let her get back on her way. Being locked up would make her crazy and probably actually be a deterrent to her unfortunate behavior. No, that wasn't going to happen.
"Lex, This is going to sound mean. But, you have to understand. If you are going to be getting in any trouble and you know that you will get caught.... make sure I am like... across the school when this happens. Ok? I don't want to be in any cold dungeon unless I am making my way to the Slytherin Common rooms." She scooted a few inches away from Lex subconsciously. "You can sit here til the end of the Feast, but take that Gryffindor brain of yours and try to think of a solution. Maybe I can talk to the other students, any of them in Slytherin?" She asked. If there were any Slytherins in trouble, she hoped they would be easier to convince. ::