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Why does he look so confused? Reaching back in her memory she tried to remember EXACTLY what she had said. Some of the details were fuzzy but she reached for it anyway. Then she realized it....some of the things she had said had been said to Issac....NOT Edmund.
Double crap.
Well this was awkward. Though she had definitely said some odd things to Edmund the worse by far had been in front of Issac. Nell hadn't seen him since he had handed her off to Edmund. She shuddered to think what he was going to do or say when she saw him again. One thing was for sure, she owed him a great big hug and a thank you.
Edmund pulled her from her thoughts at that moment. She listened to what he had to say with a small smile. Man he was awesome. Maybe she was a little insecure but could you blame a girl?! He was gorgeous! Nell waved her hand absently to indicate that he could ask his question. She would answer any question he had as honestly as she could. Though she was sure.....
Wait. WHAT?
Her mouth dropped open and her blue eyes went wide. His words were playing over and over in her head like a broken record but it took several seconds for her brain to process them. Girlfriend? His girlfriend?
Yes you idiot! He really did just ask you to be his girlfriend! Now shut your gaping mouth and say YES already!
Nell put her gaping fish routine to bed and answered with a huge smile. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend."
Had she said something to Isaac that he didn't know about? He was definitely going to find Isaac and ask him. Her absent hand wave had him smiling though, the enormity of the question would surely make her focus again. Her reaction was expected, but the silence was killing him. His eyes were wide as he stared straight at her.
Say yes. Say yeeeeeeeeeeees. She'd already agreed to go on dates with him, so that would work in his favour, RIGHT?
He breathed out a sigh of relief when she said yes. EEE. He was so happy! YAY! HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND! This year was
definitely going to be memorable! Beaming, he turned his head to look up at the staff table and listen to the speech.
Train incident? Was that how she described it? He would have called that a fiasco. A mess. A complete shambles! He eyed the redhead, so she was headmistress. It made so much more sense now. An eyebrow raised at her promise that he was sure she couldn't keep unless there was one of her for every single student. Ooh. Hogwarts, a home. He was finally here, but it'd just been a completely awful day for him up until five minutes ago. Was that how one would describe a home? A place that holds the key to your happiness?
Changes? As long as they didn't involve something like three headed dogs giving them homework or a stupid rule that stopped him spending time with Nell, he didn't mind. He was just about to open his mouth to ask Nell if she knew anything about these changes, but was instantly distracted by the food.
He was starving! Without a second of hesitation, he started to pile food onto his plate - he hadn't eaten since that morning. A sideways glance from him showed he was watching Nell to see if she ate anything. He'd understand if she didn't after her earlier eventful trip, but considering she'd plastered the ground by the platform with the contents of her stomach, it was possible she'd want something to eat.