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"but I'M suppose to be watching them making sure no one takes the spell off them, I dont want to risk losing points either, so just let me do what im suppose to firstie." she wasnt letting some firstie call the shots here oh no no noooo.. although Ariana liked the way this girl thought.
:: From what she was inferring, this Professor Scab. uh whatever his name is pronounced was a real noodle. So he had a Slytherin watching over a Gryffindor. Lex was a nice girl and Ariana was such a ... interesting person as well.
"Professor Scabbyknees seems to be a pickle. He better not try that on me." Ganymede muttered then quickly took a peek at the Staff table to spot the man. It was the Slytherin HoH she'd have to deal with.
"I suppose you are just doing your job, eh Ariana." She tried to give a friendly smile. ::