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"Maybe. I hope my dad will, he's not as rotten." Which was true, but a sad truth. She sighed again but managed to get a smile out since Mikey was trying to cheer her up. Maybe her mum would realize what a horrible mother she was and send Moose right away. MAYBE. But it didn't help matters to keep thinking about it. She had to move on.
Mikey's question, however, brought her back. Why Moose? "Because..." She stopped. She knew why but she didn't want to explain it to him...it might make her sound weak and clingy. Which she was, anyway, but Hailey didn't want to Mikey to realize this again. "I...he's just special, to me, okay?" She managed to say and looked away before her face betrayed her. Yeah, she wore her heart on her sleeve.
And now, she was back to feeling starved. And she hadn't eaten anything on the train, either. She thought longingly of some roast beef, mashed potatoes and even chips...yum. And then her stomach grumbled again.
"How am I supposed to stock my bag with candy when I'm broke?" She demanded, flipping her curls to one side and facing Mikey. Really, what an absurd suggestion! He knew the only money she got was from him. Which was just sad, really. Story of her life.
"These announcements are too long," She companied and put her head down on the table again. "I don't care what anyone has to say...unless they want to tell me I can pass without taking any exams." Here, she grinned.
"You should've gotten emancipated a long time ago. I don't understand why you didn't, besides there being your brother but they still like him over you," Mikey sighed. His parents wouldn't mind taking Rose into their home. There was plenty of space and she was already like part of the family. So why couldn't her parents treat her the same?
"Sorry, I forgot girls get attached to their stuffed animals," Mikey gave a small chuckle. Same thing her sister did with her stuffed animals too. He had always wondered how she slept at night with all of them on her bed. He'd have to hide some from her one day soon. Sigh.
"You could've asked me to buy you some candy when we were in Diagon Alley together! When have I ever denied buying you candy except that one time when you needed to study on your own?" That might've been the only time he said no. Other than that, he'd usually bring her sweets from his mum's bakery back in town.
"Well, obviously," Because hardly anyone paid attention, or at least Mikey didn't. Unless it was something important that quickly caught his hearing.
"Are you firing me as your tutor? Because with a tutor like me, no way you can possibly fail your exams," Which was true because of reasons.