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Old 09-04-2012, 01:43 AM   #279 (permalink)
Formerly: Rupert-Grint-Fan

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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: The Burrow
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Lewis
Third Year
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-

Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom View Post
Mel stared a moment. WHO WAS THIS GIRL? The little blue puff continued to stare as she tried to remember. SQUEEEE!! It was the CANDY girl! Mel scurried off of Am's arm and onto the candy girl's. Yup. She smelled. Like. Jellybeans.

Ameliah giggled at her puffle, distracted momentarily, before the full effect of what Ronnie said hit her.

NO. KITTY??? It was bad enough Ameliah had to survive without her own cat, Dwalin. But NO Oliver either? Pout.
Ronnie giggled a little as the puff went on her arm. "Why hello there!" she said, patting her. CUTE PUFFIE WUFFIEEE.
She frowned at Ameliah. "I'm sorry, but he really is tired. He went through so much on the train ride and all that...he's pretty unhappy." she said with a sigh. She hated to see Oliver sad.

Originally Posted by SceneQueen

"See? We got a smile outta ya!" he said brightly. Smiling was good. That meant Ronnie was happy. Happy is also good. Happy means no more grouchy teenage girls. THERE WERE TOO MANY FROM THE PAST FEW MINUTES.
Ronnie laughed a little. "I'm a lot happier than I was earlier. But the headache is really bugging me. It has to go." she said with a frown. Ay yi yi! She was frowning way too much today. And still was a bit grumpy. "I just wanna go to sleeeep." she moaned, crossing her arms on the table and burrying her face in them.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
She turned to the new voice she had heard and saw that it was a girl she had been seeing around quite a bit. She was even at the Gryffindor table, which of course was expected seeing as she was a Gryffindor too. She saw how annoyed she looked. Why did just about everyone have to give her that look? Merlin it was annoying! "I'm sorry..." She mumbled, though truthfully she couldn't care less. In her book, students that gave her annoyed looks weren't okay and if they weren't okay then she didn't care what happened to them. Hmph, meanie!
...Maybe Ronnie shoulda just kept her mouth SHUT. She really was being a brat to almost everyone today. All because of this stupid day...she really shouldn't take it out on students. 'Specially firsties. This was probably a special and sorta scary day for them, shouldn't she be all comforting and nice and stuff?! UGH. Why must she be in a grumpy mood TODAY?! Why or something? Why'd it have to be today?! She sighed and decided she'd apologize and explain things to the girl some other day.
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