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Tegz Sure she could go and bother Lafay with something that would annoy the woman for wasting her time. West didn't care. He just LOOKED at this FIRSTIE and then, after a moment, he leaned forward to quite matter-of-factly, thump her in the arm. Hard.
"Its West. Just West. Why are you still even sitting here?" Go AWAY mean!weird firstie. He didn't need any cutesy names from girls!
THIS was why Theo shouldn't mess with LOVE potions. Girls were weird enough as it was!
Okay. Serenity didn't like boys anymore. They were worse than her brothers. Wair-what- OUCH! What in Merlin's name? Since when was it their job to bully first-years? HUH?! HER ARM HURT. SOMEONE GET THE HEALER. TAKE HER TO ST. MUNGO'S. IT BUUUUURRRRRNNNNEEEDDDDD.
"Well, WEST, I'm telling on you!" she clenched her jaw. She was tired of this. WHY was she sitting here? RIGHT, she was going up to see the head of house and complain or something. Or the headmistress. Cause she was the only one she knew who was, since she was in the big chair. She had no idea which one was the Head of House. Serenity was on the verge of tears, she didn't like being thumped. Oh, and this was always how she got her own brothers into trouble; tears + mummy = punished brothers.
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Back to the crazy girl, and Theo was kinda glad that she'd moved her attention onto West. And... WHAT? Did he just thump her arm? Theo pressed his eyebrows together.
"Ickle Westie-pie?" The boy SNORTED. Yeah, she deserved that thump. "
Yeah.... go away, you're mean." Though, he did feel mean, too. Him and West were turning into a right pair of so-and-so's.
He lowered his voice to give West the deets. "
I just wanted to know what they actually did so I picked the first person I saw, who happened to be that nutter..." He paused, to subtly point at Serenity. Anyway... "
And she went all mental and like... kissed me on the lips, so I told her to go away and then she got real mad."
And then he had to PAY half of the potion, even though HE didn't even drink it.
HE WAS CALLING HER A NUTTER? She only took it because she thought she was helping him out. She only drank the tiniest bit. And now look at this.
"WELL YOU ASKED ME TO AND I ONLY WANTED TO HELP YOU OUT. NEXT TIME I WON'T BOTHER!" Serenity was tired of it. She had only wanted to help. Next time someone wanted her to try a potion, she was definately allergic to it.
Hmm. Where were the Prefects and teachers when she needed them? Someone shove the kids out of Hogwarts?
OOC: sorry for all the caps-lock and plus the whole tears thing... I'm like "OMG sorry" and Serenity's like "meanies!"