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AND NOW RONNIE WAS HERE. Ameliah grinned, "Oh yeah, Rons, I still haven't given you the stuffs!" She reached into her bag and pulled out several potions. "Burning toenails, elongated nosehair, exploding tonsils...." she muttered as she searched through the multicolored potions. "Ah, here we are!" Ameliah gave Ronnie two bottles labled Headaches and Nausea. "A few drops and you'll be feeling better!"
To say Cece was not happy with what she was seeing at the claw table was an understatement. More like livid, that's what she was. Who did this child think she was... a potions mistress?
Not taking her eyes off the child she made her way over to her.
"I'll take those," she said as she snatched the potions bottles from the girl.
"All of them." That's right, she was taking the bag full of potions she had seen the girl rummaging through before pulling out the two that were in her hand.
Looking at the bottles the girl was trying to hand to another student she seen just how they were labeled.
"Headaches and nausea. The last time I looked I believe I was the only healer around here. What makes you think you can go around handing out healing potions to students?"