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Dan and Emma<3
Tiffany nodded as she released her grip, hopefully the seventh year wouldn't find it too tight or annoying because that's what she wanted to do all once she met her after a long time. To hug her as tight as she could. "I'm okay. Just a few bruises, no big deal,"she beamed. "Though the ride with those portkeys are never a pleasant one to me."She pouted a bit. It was her first time taking rides with portkeys but it really made her want to throw up all at once. Those rolling and turning really drove her crazy.
"I HATE it,"she rolled her eyes as the flashbacks came up once again in her mind. She would never travel by them anymore even though it was fast, if only she could choose. "And you? No injuries right?"She hoped that Kurumi didn't get injured because the fourth year didn't want to see people getting injured, it makes her sad. Especially her dear friends. Then she took one of cookies in the air as she was like starving after the ride. It took all of her energy. And most importantly, Kurumi's cookies are always the yummiest and the best. "I really need one of these." she exclaimed as she reached out for the nearest one.
Despite Tiffany saying that she was alright, Kurumi still took a small step back to give the lioness a quick glance over. You know, just to be entirely sure. Tiffany had always been one of her favorite little lions - although Kurumi really did have a lot and there were really none that she disliked. Nope, not even those first years that had caused all sorts of chaos on the platform. "
Good, I'm glad." Cue a few light pats on her shoulder for good measure. "
I dislike portkeys myself. Had to use one this summer to visit Lewis though." Which had been embarrassing since she had landed not-so-gracefully.
I'm alright," Kurumi nodded reassuringly. Granted she had been more concerned about everyone else at the time and hadn't really noticed her own minor head injuries. The ringing had stopped, so that was good enough for her. "
Glad they can help. The cookies I mean," Kurumi smiled, deciding to take a seat beside the girl now. "
How have you been otherwise? I feel like it has been way too long since we last really got to speak."
Originally Posted by
Lady of the Lake
Ari knew the feeling. It was wonderful to be back, especially considering that her absence had been longer than for most students. 'Not too bad myself, thank you. Though still a bit overwhelmed after today.' Who wouldn't be? 'Did you have a good summer?' Maybe it wasn't a good question to ask, since Kurumi spent her summers going Muggle, but Ari only remembered that AFTER asking the question.
The fifteen-year-old almost didn't catch the word when Kurumi repeated amazing. Why was she shy to take credit for something she'd worked for? 'Your cookies will always taste like home for me.' The only problem was, the Prefect was graduating this year. What then? No more cookies? NOOOOO.
The younger Gryffindor hadn't read much about the Hogwarts Express, so she listened to Kurumi, who, however, was as puzzled as herself.
Kurumi nodded and giggled softly. Yeah...overwhelmed was a pretty good word to use to describe today. Merlin. "
My summer was fantastic, actually," she chirped, brushed her bangs to the side. "
I spent the first part back home in Japan, which went better than I thought it would." Namely her mother's one year funeral rites and finding that her spirit truly was at peace. "
Treyen visited for a bit, which was nice...and then I spent the rest of the summer in Nebraska with..." Cue intense blush on the seventh year's cheeks. "
...with Lewis and his family." Which had been one incredible experience after another. "
Kurumi blushed a bit more and fumbled with some of her hair when Ari spoke again. Tasted like home... "
That...is probably the best compliment anyone could give me about my baking," she managed to squeak out. It was actually all Kurumi wanted to do with her baking, provide comfort to people. Warmth.
Ari's silence with their discussion of the train only caused Kurumi to furrow her brow a little more. She wished she had an answer for her, really, because Kurumi was very curious herself. "
Maybe there will be something in the Daily Prophet?" Not that Kurumi really trusted the Daily Prophet all the time...
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"That's also really cool... I didn't know that people could be prefects in their fourth year!" Angel said, smiling she'd read a bit of Hogwarts a History, and other than that Andrew had spoken to her about how things sort of worked and what they might be able to... expect was one way to put it, once they got to Hogwarts. Although it gave an analytical point of view, so far she was way more impressed by this!
"A seventh year? But.... but that means that you aren't going to be here next year doesn't it? What's going to happen to the cookies?" she ended, the last sentence said overly childishly, pouting before she winked at Kurumi, she was more concerned that this lovely person was leaving... and she'd only just met her!
"Hmm... Herbology seems pretty cool from what I've read so far, I have my own garden at home... and a vegetable and herb plot so I'm really looking forward to it!"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand more blushing. "
I-I-It isn't very....common," she admitted, shifting her gaze towards the table and poking at a fork with her finger.
And then her heart sunk just a little. While the thought had always been in the back of Kurumi's mind, never leaving and always lingering, hearing others actually say the words out loud made it all seem real. That she couldn't go on pretending like it wasn't true. Denial. Yeah, she couldn't be in denial about the fact that she was a seventh year and this...this was it. "
Yeah...." Was really all she could manage to say on the matter.
Chewing on her lip for a few moments, Kurumi brought herself back into their conversation...sort of. "
Herbology is pretty interesting, creatures are more my field of interest though."
Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Tag nodded as Kurumi explained that she wanted the licence and it was equavilent to a muggle driving one. " I hope you get it. I bet you will-you're really smart..and stuff. An nice-you can always pull on the nice charm inside you." He said with a little smile on his face.
He stopped when Kurumi was blinking a lot more than usual. Then he realized all this spiderman talk was probably getting to her. Usually it was the boys that loved supeheros and comic books. "Webslinging is when a spider shoots their spiderweb out of their hand. So..how spiderman does it is..he'd jump off a building and he touches the bottom of his wrist.." He showed her the little motion, "And spazzzz... the web comes out, you point it to the closet object-a building, light post, car, railing and you kind of fly in the air like a spider! It's brilliant." Now a big smile spread over his face over the thought.
Kurumi was suddenly glad that Paulie wasn't around to poke her cheeks and bring to her attention that she was blushing ALL THE TIME. "
T-T-Thanks, Tag." Maybe she could charm her face so she didn't blush so much?
Oh...I'm not too familiar with foreign comic books. Someone had to explain Captain America to me last term," she said with a slow nod. "
But...um...don't you find spiders sort of....terrifying?" Kurumi did. BIG time.
SPOILER!!: Dylan
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Dylan smiled a little as she introduced herself.. and she managed to wipe that smile off his face as she revealed her position within the house of lions. She was one of the big ones!? those prefect people?! oh man! this was not going to be good! her eyes were going to be on him all the time now! He cleared his throat so that he could talk "Oh! well.. er.. nice to meet you" he said taking another bite out of the cookie.. ok.. ok calm down.. so he had behaved a little badly in front of his prefect.. how was he supposed to know that she was one of them?! Well now that he knew.. he would be sure to behave in front of her.
He looked at his cookie and then back at her "Thanks for this.. its.. um.. really yum." yeah might as well show her that he can be good too when he wants to, now for the question that he had thought of the moment that he had gotten the cookie "Do you give cookies to all first years?" yeah like bribe them the moment they are sorted? cause of course she would want them on her side straight away. Well he wasn't about to admit it but this prefect was managing to do it right.. she had won him over just a tiny bit.. I repeat just a tiny bit! It was these darn cookies! Thats it!! if he wanted more of these cookies then he had stay on her side.. her good side.. and he was sure that he would get more cookies that way.
He then heard someone yelling out to them and he looked round to see... the flyer girl?!?!?! wait she was their captain!? oh boy!! this was not good! He had just been sorted into the same house as the two girls that had watched him climb the train before deciding that a punishment was needed.. well he hoped that that whole train thing wouldn't hurt his chances of making the quidditch team cause he would be trying out for the team at some point in his Hogwarts career. He heard Lex yell out too about her being in their house, yup they had climbed the train in front of the very people that would keep an eye on them and control how much quidditch they played. This girl was still handing out flyers?!?! how many did she have?!?! Well he hadn't seen it he had told her that before.
He wondered what these two girls actually thought of them being sorted into Gryffindor, and now they knew his name since it had been called out for him to sit on the stool for the hat. He wondered if they would go tell their Head of House what he had been doing even before the train had left the station, if they did.. would.. the Head of House be taking points? though technically he hadn't been sorted at the time of the incident so that didn't count... right? he hoped not.. imagine the looks he would get for losing his house points even before he got sorted.. that would not be good!
Yes and no," Kurumi said in response to Dylan's cookie question. "
I actually bake cookies every opening and closing feast. I've done so since I was a first year, for the staff as well," she explained as she patted a box on the bench beside her. "
Once Headmistress Truebridge gives her speech I'm going to go up to the dias." Not before. Kurumi had learned that her first year, although it had been Headmaster Tate at the time. Who she was missing already. "
Baking is something I just love to do. I know the kitchen as well as I do the common room."
Probably better, now that she got to thinking about things properly.
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Jake turned sharply when he heard loud clapping near him. Oh, and it was directed to him too! He beamed instantly at the girl, recognizing her from the platform. They had helped carry Ali.
"No problem," he said brightly. "Glad that's over, though. What a crazy way to... get... aquainted... withtheschool." *mellow* He'd stop talking now.
That isn't normal, I promise," Kurumi said with a nervous laugh. At least she hoped it wouldn't be a common occurrence...new Headmistress and all...you just never knew. "
I'm Kurumi, by the way." Seeing as in all the chaos they had never really introduced themselves on the platform.
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Anya smiled at the Prefect. "Hey Kurumi." she said happily. "You get here safely?" she asked. Hopefully the older lion hadn't gotten hurt on what was the most adventurous train ride she'd ever been on.
And by adventure... she meant one of those unplanned, unappreciated little down falls.
"How does it feel?" Being almost done.
Anya Phillips. Always the ray of sunshine that was needed to lighten a mood. Well, most of the time at least. Kurumi HAD seen the Gryffindor looking down before, but she always bounced back. Anya was like the human form of rubber.
In one piece at least," she nodded before cocking her head to the side slightly. "
How does....what feel?"
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Alice smiled when she got a Kurumi hug. She liked those. She let go of one of her crutches so that she could wrap an arm around the Prefect and hug her back. "Thanks, Kurumi. But you really did do a lot to help me out." She probably wouldn't have even been close to walking by now if it wasn't for her helpfulness. "I hope so. I'll be pleased when I can go to the healer and put all of these away. I don't like the attention." There was too many explanations that came along with it.
The pretty kitty cat? NOT behave himself? He seemed like a good cat to Alice. "Oh, yes. He was a very good kitty." She liked him very much. He was a good pet for Kurumi to have. "We are. There's.. there's so many PEOPLE. I can't seem to wrap my head around it. The first days are always the busiest."
But they were also the most fun.
Kurumi and Alice could probably go back and forth for a while on who did more, but that wasn't really important. The important thing was that Alice was alright - minus the injury and all - and that she had made it to the feast. "
I am sure you will be back to normal soon," she nodded. Kurumi certainly knew what it was like to not want added attention. Ironic considering she had been a prefect since her fourth year...but Kurumi disliked the limelight. "
Try to think of all that attention as people showing you how concerned they are about you. Shows you have a lot of friends here."
Kurumi's smile widened a bit more when Alice said Walnut had been good. THANK MERLIN. Which meant he hadn't peed on anyone which meant she didn't have to go and apologize to anyone. "
That they are....but I get the feeling this term will always be busy," she said, eyeing the staff table again.
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Lex couldn't shake the fact that Kurumi had a somewhat amused look on her face...just what was so funny? She nearly shook her head; this was why she thought older children were weird...they did things for no reason!!--Unless!...unless she was waiting for something...or someone...
She swallowed hard hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. One yeller was enough and she was quite happy that of the two yellers the less violent one was in her house. She was happy with this and didn't want it to change!
And she really made the cookies?! "Wow, then you're a really good baker, these taste amazing!!" She was tempted to ask her if she would make a batch for her one day but she figured she would hold off on such a question for now and instead commented on her next statement. "Oh, I know. I already love this house lots, even when you minus the cookies and I think it's just going to get better from here." That's right Lex...positive thoughts...stay positive.
More blushing. Always blushing. Blushes. Yeah, Kurumi really needed to look into charms for her face...the blushing was getting a bit extreme. What was she going to be like at the END of the term when congratulations on graduating were going to be all she heard?! "
T-Thank you, Alexa. My mother taught me how to bake. Father says I have been baking ever since I could stand...maybe even before." Which wasn't logically possible, but she let her father think that that was true. There really was no reasoning with him when it came to such things anyway.
Kurumi could sense that this first year was holding
something back. What that something was was a mystery to her, but Kurumi ventured a guess that it had something to do with the sorting itself. "
When I was first sorted into Gryffindor, I was sure the hat had made a mistake," she said softly, eyeing the line of students still waiting to be sorted. "
I was quiet, stuttered, afraid of opening up to people, kept to books mostly...I was sure I was going to be sorted into Ravenclaw, like one of my brothers had been." The one that she was told she was most a like actually. "
The Sorting Hat surprised me though...but I am glad I did. It brought out the best in me and I have Gryffindor house to thank for that."
So, if Alexa was feeling a little uneasy, well, it was perfectly normal. Expected even.
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"Wait so Scary Bat-Girl's in this house too?!?!?!?!"
Oh yeah, that slight Selina inspired smirk? It was back now.