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Old 09-03-2012, 04:26 AM   #118 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kei Kobayashi
Third Year
CARROTS! | 1/3 of the "oo" Trio | Directioner |Addy&JJ <3

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Anya studied James's face for a second. "You alright?" she asked. Had... he not seen anyone about getting fixed up? Was he going to be okay? Did he need her to feed him?

Poor guy.

Where was the healer and why was she not making him all better?

"Yeah. The rest of us are Gryffindors." Minus Blakey, Ella, and Messer. They were Jigglypuffs. Or something. The yellow ones. What were they called again? She could never remember.
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
----------This is for Baguette/Penelope, Nomsy/Jake, Lamey/Anya, Jacqui/James.. y'know.

And then Anya appeared. She waved a crutch at her as well. She seemed pleased enough that Jake was in her house. Ignoring the awkwardness between her, Cobbie, and Penelope, Alice began to bombard the girl with questions. "Are you okay? You weren't hurt, were you? DId you see Alec? He scraped himself up pretty badly." Yes, because she was Alec's wing-woman. She thought Anya might like to know about her best friend's teensy injury, if she didn't already. AND. Here was James. Alice averted her eyes away. She was still upset at him for the THING. No, she was not going to talk to HIM. But, secretly, she was happy that he seemed to be in less pain and had a sling around his arm. So she tried not to look at him.. or scowl.. or stick her tongue out..

Thankfully, she succeeded. Kinda.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Text Cut: Jake and James

...Really. "My name's not Penny." They'd been over this about a thousand times already. Everyone else understood. Why didn't he? Was he REALLY that thick? REALLY?

Of course, she was aware he could be doing it on purpose, but she was nice enough, even now when she wasn't happy with him, to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he used it again, however - well, two could play at this game.

And then James appeared...with his arm in a sling? Sure, it seemed he was the only Slytherin in the group, but Penelope didn't answer the question because it wasn't as important. "The healer's right up there if you need to see her," she said, nodding her head up at the staff table where she was pretty sure she spotted the Healer, along with some other new faces. Those weren't ALL professors, were they?
When Anya asked if he was all right, all James did was shake his head no. "Not exactly, but I'll manage just fine" he promised her.

He looked at Alice and grinned, but the grin slid off his face when he watched her look away. James looked down sadly and felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he sniffled a little. Call him too sensitive, but being so blatantly ignored by someone he considered a good friend hurt.

James shrugged on shoulder at what Penelope said, not rally caring anymore. "I honestly don't care what happens" he muttered bitterly, Alice's actions still stinging him emotionally.
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