SPOILER!!: Alice<3
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Alice wobbled into Great Hall on her splint. She had been given a pair of crutches to walk on until she could visit the Healer. She didn't really care if she had come into the Feast looking really awkward— on crutches, with a large fiberglass splint. She had adjusted to them very quickly; it wasn't that hard to walk on them. As soon as she entered the Hall, she headed for the Hufflepuff Table. Most of her friends would be there, yeah? She hadn't seen Alec since she had been dragged away from him. She hadn't even met Ella on the train, but Alec had told her that she was okay. And she hadn't seen Messer since summer! Lord. He was probably being ambushed by firsties or something.
The lioness made her way over to the Hufflepuffs unstably. This fiberglass split was still a bit heavy for her, it seemed to be throwing her off balance. Why couldn't she just break.. like.. an arm instead? Why did it have to be her leg?
Finally Hogwarts. They're forced using portkey to go to Hogwarts after something happened with the train. And the dizziness affect from the portkey was still there. Maybe after he eat something the dizziness will gone but he need to wait till the sorting was over and the Headmistress speech before he could eat something.
Messer walked to his house table hoping that someone has something for his dizziness or maybe some candies or chocolate. He shouldn't had eat all of his snacks during his ride back to Hogwarts. He should know better than that.
Hufflepuff table. Home sweet home.
Was that Alice?
"Alice? What's that?D-did something happen to you?" She was alright when he met her during the summer.
SPOILER!!: Alec <3
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Feeling slightly better than he had before, Alec walked slowly into the Great Hall. A smile spread across the young boy's face as he looked around the familiar hall. It seemed as if everything was the same. As if Hogwarts hadn't changed in the slightest over the summer. As if everything was going to be normal again. Or okay.
But... the thing was, it wasn't, was it? And no matter how many times someone told him that it'll be okay, it wouldn't stop the hurt. Yeah... being a teenager sucked. And to think he was turning fourteen within the month. Speaking of, that was something else he was afraid of; turning fourteen. Being thirteen wasn't too great so... what if being fourteen ended up being even worse?
Shrugging, Alec walked forwards and over towards the Hufflepuff table without glancing anywhere else. At this point, he would have looked for someone he knew to sit with. But, right now, he really didn't know who to sit with. There was no Messy, no Ells and no Sophs. And definitely no Keefer. ... Great. His first Hogwarts feast without the guy that was like an older brother to him. This... was sad.
The third year nudged along and sat down at an empty spot somewhere along the table. Yeah... everything seemed really different now. ... When was the ice cream going to come, again?
He just realized how weird this term was. No Ellie. No Keefer. Speaking of Keefer, he wondered who got the Captain Badge this term. He was sleeping most of the time during the train ride so he missed who's who this term. Well, he'd found out soon enough.
Oh. Look, there's Alec. "Wassup, mate!" he pat his roommate shoulder.
"What's with the gloom face? Did you miss me that much?" Poor guy.