Text Cut: Selina the Bat Girl and Prefect Kurumi
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Selina had fallen behind in the train. After everything that sort of gone bonkers, because everyone decided that the train breaking down was far more important than finding her beater bat, the Quidditch Captain had a rather difficult time finding her bag with her uniform. The entire train had turned to chaos and with everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off, Selina misplaced her bag. By the time she had finally found it, half of the student body was gone by portkey and on their way up to the castle. In fact, Selina was so late that she had wandered in with some of the first years.
Straitening out her tie, she started to walk down the isle toward the Gryffindor table. As she walked she saw many new faces and old faces fill the table. And of course, as Kurumi had bloody joked, the train climbers had been sorted into Gryffindor. But she also saw some of her favorite little Gryffindors like Tag, Penelope and Anya. Which reminded the redhead, her and Anya needed to have a very long talk later. This whole boyfriend thing that she had heard of really concerned the older Gryffindor.
Then she saw some other Gryffindors who she had caught up with briefly on the train. Kurumi and Gideon, the two prefects of her house, were already making the rounds with the students of all ages. They were the epitome of prefectom. Honestly, they were always so nice and patient with the younger students. If Selina had to be nice to every crazed first year in this school she would probably explode. It was not that Selina wasn't nice, she had been told on many occasions that once people got past Selina's rough coating she had the softest of insides, but sometimes people SCALED THE TOP OF THE TRAIN! No one inparticular, of course.
Feeling particularly moved by the spirit of the opening feast, Selina was about to roar, when she remembered the sheet of paper in her hands. RIGHT MORTIMER! How could she have let her beautiful little man be forgotten? This was a feast of joy and reunion, but some things were more important than food...
Did she just think that? No she couldn't of. And yet, there the thought was. Could it be that Mortimer had finally surpassed her love of food? What a frightening thought. With that in mind she lifted the flyers over her head and yelled out,
"Oi! Gryffindor! Listen up! This is your Captain speaking! HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN HIM?" Please take a flyer.

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"You're welcome," Kurumi replied with another small smile. She wasn't going to mention the platform, not after everything else that had happened today, but then he went and brought it up, causing a smaaaaaaall smirk to form on her lips before she was back to being calm and non-smirky. "I'm Kurumi Hollingberry, one of your Gryffindor prefects."
Just to let that thought sink in.
Dylan smiled a little as she introduced herself.. and she managed to wipe that smile off his face as she revealed her position within the house of lions. She was one of the big ones!? those prefect people?! oh man! this was not going to be good! her eyes were going to be on him all the time now! He cleared his throat so that he could talk "
Oh! well.. er.. nice to meet you" he said taking another bite out of the cookie.. ok.. ok calm down.. so he had behaved a little badly in front of his prefect.. how was he supposed to know that she was one of them?! Well now that he knew.. he would be sure to behave in front of her.
He looked at his cookie and then back at her "
Thanks for this.. its.. um.. really yum." yeah might as well show her that he can be good too when he wants to, now for the question that he had thought of the moment that he had gotten the cookie "
Do you give cookies to all first years?" yeah like bribe them the moment they are sorted? cause of course she would want them on her side straight away. Well he wasn't about to admit it but this prefect was managing to do it right.. she had won him over just a tiny bit.. I repeat just a tiny bit! It was these darn cookies! Thats it!! if he wanted more of these cookies then he had stay on her side.. her good side.. and he was sure that he would get more cookies that way.
He then heard someone yelling out to them and he looked round to see... the flyer girl?!?!?! wait she was their captain!? oh boy!! this was not good! He had just been sorted into the same house as the two girls that had watched him climb the train before deciding that a punishment was needed.. well he hoped that that whole train thing wouldn't hurt his chances of making the quidditch team cause he would be trying out for the team at some point in his Hogwarts career. He heard Lex yell out too about her being in their house, yup they had climbed the train in front of the very people that would keep an eye on them and control how much quidditch they played. This girl was still handing out flyers?!?! how many did she have?!?! Well he hadn't seen it he had told her that before.
He wondered what these two girls actually thought of them being sorted into Gryffindor, and now they knew his name since it had been called out for him to sit on the stool for the hat. He wondered if they would go tell their Head of House what he had been doing even before the train had left the station, if they did.. would.. the Head of House be taking points? though technically he hadn't been sorted at the time of the incident so that didn't count... right? he hoped not.. imagine the looks he would get for losing his house points even before he got sorted.. that would not be good!