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Old 09-03-2012, 03:29 AM   #114 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

Text Cut: Kurumi
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
And another new Gryffindor had come to the table! Clapping her hands together loudly, Kurumi smiled at the new boy. "Welcome! And thank you for all your help on the platform today."

Jake turned sharply when he heard loud clapping near him. Oh, and it was directed to him too! He beamed instantly at the girl, recognizing her from the platform. They had helped carry Ali.

"No problem," he said brightly. "Glad that's over, though. What a crazy way to... get... aquainted... withtheschool." *mellow* He'd stop talking now.

Text Cut: Tag
Tag was not at all pleased to hear that the sorting hat had, magically, decided, probably had made some secret plan with Jacob, to put him in Gryffindor. Its as if the gods were torturing him even more with how little Anya time he'd get now. Now that he was in Gryffindor she'd be extra distracted and busy with him and it would be rubbed right in his face. So when he answered Jacob with a "I'd rather sleep in the common room couch, than in the dorms with you." there was much dry hate in his voice. [/QUOTE]

...WELL. Jake's grin was gone again, just like that.

A little rude, Tag, if he did say so himself.

"Suit yourself," Jake said with the best good-natured shrug he could muster. "It's your choice. But by the looks of it..." he glanced up and down the table, noting all the people with Gryffindor robes on, "You might have a hard time getting some peace and quiet in the common room. The dorm might be your best bet." At least in Jake's opinion, anyway.

"But don't worry. I won't charm your trousers invisible or draw on your face in the middle of the night. I'm not that bad."

And he knew from experience how annoying those things could be.

Text Cut: Penelope
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
...Really. "My name's not Penny." They'd been over this about a thousand times already. Everyone else understood. Why didn't he? Was he REALLY that thick? REALLY?

Of course, she was aware he could be doing it on purpose, but she was nice enough, even now when she wasn't happy with him, to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he used it again, however - well, two could play at this game.

...Right. "Penelope." Sorry. Jake stared at the girl for a second before shrugging and looking away. Um. So. Um.

"How... was your carriage ride?" Was it too obvious that he was searching for any sort of small talk he could?

Text Cut: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Did she just think that? No she couldn't of. And yet, there the thought was. Could it be that Mortimer had finally surpassed her love of food? What a frightening thought. With that in mind she lifted the flyers over her head and yelled out, "Oi! Gryffindor! Listen up! This is your Captain speaking! HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN HIM?" Please take a flyer.

Thankfully, somebody else caught his attention, so Jake didn't need to continue staring blankly at Penelope.

The girl was searching for someone? Jake frowned. He could understand why. It would be easy to lose someone in the chaos of the train stopping and the portkeys and the horseless carriages...

But... that wasn't a someone. That was a bat.

"Excuse me," he said, standing up for a second to get the girl's attention. "That's a bat... ma'am." He didn't know where that came from. The girl just had a ma'am feeling about her. Like she needed respect.

And possibly a visit to the healer. Bats weren't hims.

Text Cut: Ali
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
And then she noticed Penelope sitting over in the corner by herself. "NELL!" she shouted, trying to wave her arms while still holding on to her crutches. After a while, she gave up and just hobbled over to the girl, being careful not to drag her splint. "Where did you go? I think I lost you after we took the Portkey." Pity. She really did like Penelope. She honestly like anyone who enjoyed food as much as she did. "Are you okay? Is your knee okay?"

And then her other big brother appeared as well.. telling her that he was a Gryffindor?! OHYAY. More people for her to bother in the Common Room. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed, wanting to give him a congratulatory hug, but restraining herself. She didn't really want to smack Jake in the head with a crutch. "We're going to be HOUSEMATES. You can give me a piggyback ride in the COMMON ROOM. Heck. You could give me a PONY RIDE in the Common Room."

She really did with that she hadn't broken her leg. She could have been getting a piggyback ride right now if she was lucky.

And then Anya appeared. She waved a crutch at her as well. She seemed pleased enough that Jake was in her house. Ignoring the awkwardness between her, Cobbie, and Penelope, Alice began to bombard the girl with questions. "Are you okay? You weren't hurt, were you? DId you see Alec? He scraped himself up pretty badly." Yes, because she was Alec's wing-woman. She thought Anya might like to know about her best friend's teensy injury, if she didn't already.

Then... Ali! Yay! Somebody Jake could act normal around!

"I know!!" That was the kind of reaction he'd been looking for. Amazing. Amazing indeed. "We are! I can!" Yes, he still remembered the promise to give her a piggyback ride. All of her sixty-eight pounds that she was so awed that he could carry.

...Pony rides, though? "What's a pony ride?" He was pretty sure he knew what she was talking about... but he wanted to make sure he was sure before he went and promised her a pony ride and a piggyback ride.

Text Cut: Anya
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
"This, is Jake." she said introducing her friend to the almost boyfriend.

Anya grinned and nodded several times. It was... a lot of words that she'd get in trouble for saying... in combination with more words that she'd probably get stared at for saying... all in front of "pretty much the best thing ever."

So she'd just settle for saying the last bit.

"It's pretty much the best thing ever." GRINNN! He could tell she was excited, right?

Oh. Hai, Anya's friend. Jake smiled, looking over to the girl Anya introduced him to, and waved. "I'm Jake." Yep, Anya already said that.

And she was excited! Jake's grin was back. "It is, isn't it?" Heh. The best thing ever. It definitely made his day, that was for sure. He got to hang out with Anya all the time now!

"So now you can show me around Hogwarts and the common room." You know, as opposed to most of Hogwarts, but not the common room of a different house. You know.
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