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Tay sighed and shook her head, "Wow... I dont know about you... but Ravenclaw is the best house ever so i cant blame you." She giggled and smiled.
A part of Lex wanted to agree with the ravvie but then she remembered that the decision was final and she needed to show some house pride. Nod. She gave her a cheeky smile.
"Nah, Gryffindor's the best so you can take that garbage somewhere else." Then she flashed her a wide smile just to make sure she knew that she meant no harm.
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Politely ignore the expression that was flickering on and off the girl's face, Kurumi sat back down in her seat and causally looked around for her best friend. Yep, THIS would be interesting...especially since Selina was probably still handing out posters.
"I did," Kurumi nodded with a slight blush to her cheeks. "But, if I may say so, I think you will end up liking Gryffindor for more reasons than just my cookies." And she ALMOST winked again. Thanks, Treyen Lockhart, for rubbing some of your charm off on this Gryffindor. Kurumi didn't pull it off nearly as well though.
Lex couldn't shake the fact that Kurumi had a somewhat amused look on her face...just what was so funny? She nearly shook her head; this was why she thought older children were weird...they did things for no reason!!--Unless!...unless she was waiting for something...or someone...
She swallowed hard hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. One yeller was enough and she was quite happy that of the two yellers the less violent one was in her house. She was happy with this and didn't want it to change!
And she really made the cookies?!
"Wow, then you're a really good baker, these taste amazing!!" She was tempted to ask her if she would make a batch for her one day but she figured she would hold off on such a question for now and instead commented on her next statement.
"Oh, I know. I already love this house lots, even when you minus the cookies and I think it's just going to get better from here." That's right Lex...positive thoughts...stay positive.
SPOILER!!: Scary bat-girl!! <3
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Selina had fallen behind in the train. After everything that sort of gone bonkers, because everyone decided that the train breaking down was far more important than finding her beater bat, the Quidditch Captain had a rather difficult time finding her bag with her uniform. The entire train had turned to chaos and with everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off, Selina misplaced her bag. By the time she had finally found it, half of the student body was gone by portkey and on their way up to the castle. In fact, Selina was so late that she had wandered in with some of the first years.
Straitening out her tie, she started to walk down the isle toward the Gryffindor table. As she walked she saw many new faces and old faces fill the table. And of course, as Kurumi had bloody joked, the train climbers had been sorted into Gryffindor. But she also saw some of her favorite little Gryffindors like Tag, Penelope and Anya. Which reminded the redhead, her and Anya needed to have a very long talk later. This whole boyfriend thing that she had heard of really concerned the older Gryffindor.
Then she saw some other Gryffindors who she had caught up with briefly on the train. Kurumi and Gideon, the two prefects of her house, were already making the rounds with the students of all ages. They were the epitome of prefectom. Honestly, they were always so nice and patient with the younger students. If Selina had to be nice to every crazed first year in this school she would probably explode. It was not that Selina wasn't nice, she had been told on many occasions that once people got past Selina's rough coating she had the softest of insides, but sometimes people SCALED THE TOP OF THE TRAIN! No one inparticular, of course.
Feeling particularly moved by the spirit of the opening feast, Selina was about to roar, when she remembered the sheet of paper in her hands. RIGHT MORTIMER! How could she have let her beautiful little man be forgotten? This was a feast of joy and reunion, but some things were more important than food...
Did she just think that? No she couldn't of. And yet, there the thought was. Could it be that Mortimer had finally surpassed her love of food? What a frightening thought. With that in mind she lifted the flyers over her head and yelled out,
"Oi! Gryffindor! Listen up! This is your Captain speaking! HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN HIM?" Please take a flyer.

She settled in more comfortably in her seat and took another one of Kurumi's yummy cookies. As she took the first bite she saw
her. The girl wasted no time in walking over and what was worse...she was wearing the Gryffindor house colours.
O___________O "Wait so Scary Bat-Girl's in this house too?!?!?!?!" She blurted before she had a chance to stop herself. With the last word uttered she clapped both hands over her mouth and sunk down into the seat hoping to go invisible before the girl could find out who had said that.
For a moment Lex forgot how to breath as she stared over at the girl who was looking at the people around the table. This couldn't be happening!!! It wasn't until she felt a burning in her throat that she realized she hadn't been breathing and when she tried sucking in a deep breath she started choking on the cookie.
This was all her doing!!!
Her young career as a Gryffindor had only just begun--she wasn't ready to die yet!!!!
...And she was still handing out that flyer...? Though she would never ask her that.