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"I think it's the swelling," Vivi gently lowered the arm. Could she fix it? Sure, she knew a few spells, but none she'd done herself and none she trusted herself to use on a first year who trusted her with enormous eyes. She wasn't taking anyone's health in her hands.
"I can't fix it. I don't think it's broken, and we can wrap it up and keep it immobile for a while, but if it hurts that much, you probably need to see the Healer. She isn't that bad. No one's died at Hogwarts in years." True fact.
Swelling? Yeah...her eyes fell to her hand as Vivi released it. Okay so maybe it was
a bit swollen...but not all that much...right...? Looking up at her friend again she didn't like the look on her face. Why did it look like she wasn't sure? She had to be sure! She had a brain!!!! This situation was turning out to be even worse than when she first landed on that stupid platform.
Her eyes went wide and her mouth opened slightly when she heard her say that awful word.
Can't. So she
couldn't help her??? Lex was about to go into full panic mode but then Vivi gave a suggestion that sounded reasonable.
"Well....if you're sure that will work..." Anything to keep her away from the Hospital Wing.
"then I guess we'll do that! Plus it--it doesn't hurt that badly." She lied, forcing on a smile that she was sure wasn't all that convincing but it was the best she could conjure up at the moment.
"Why does everyone keep mentioning stuff about dying?? And saying that no one has died in years does not make me feel any better!" In fact now she was left wondering what kilked them!