Thread: Staff Table
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Old 09-03-2012, 01:55 AM   #20 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

x10 x10
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

Well this was shaping up to be a rather interesting start of term feast.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Leobald was in an upbeat and happy mood as he made his way into the Great Hall which was filling up with students. For the evening he was clad in his brand new dark red robes. As he passed between the table's he couldn't help but notice that some of the student's looked battered and some even a little sickly. The hospital wing would no doubt be swimming in patients by the end of the feast but he had no idea why.

He had been sitting in the back room of the library labeling a new shipment of books for most of the day which practically isolated him from any outside news. Leobald was completely unaware of any train malfunction. Coming up to the staff dais he shot a warm smile in the directions of all the new additions to the staff. "Good evening!" His eyes rested on the red head. "Beautiful brooch." he commented in passing.

Was the red head the new headmistress?

Taking his assigned seat a few spots from Seren, Leo greeted cheerily "Good evening, Seren. You look very pretty in that red dress."
Seren turned, offering Leo her usual cheery smile. "Oh, um... thank you," she muttered, having not expected a compliment from the man, nor any man for that matter. "Had a good summer?"

Originally Posted by Marion Burbage View Post
Is simply had been aaaaaaaaaaaaages since Marion had stepped foot in these charming halls and heard the clicking and clanking of her heels on the stone floors. Of course now, instead of school shoes, she wore rather fancy shoes of a deep purple that stood out against her long lilac skirt. Perhaps she should have shown a bit more of her former house spirit and worn something in brilliant marigold, but no matter. There would be plenty of time for that.

"Hellooooooooo dears," she sang as she made her way towards her seat and sat down. This was her seat, wasn't it? Turning to her left, Marion noticed she was seated next to a blonde woman in a red dress and she inclined her head in greeting. "Evening darling, Marion Burbage."
Huh? ... "Er... Seren Bentley, pleasure to meet you."

What happened to Dashbag? Oh of course, naturally, he would make an appearance. A rude one.

Seren gave the woman an appologetic look before pouring herself a pumpkin juice. It was going to be one of those nights.

And indeed...

Originally Posted by HazelStone101 View Post
Jayden walked up to the staff table slowly. A huge grin forming on her face. It had been a good summer, a GREAT summer, but nothing could compare to Hogwarts. When there was enough pause in the professor's conversation to be able to greet her Herbology instructor, she went for it. "Good evening Professor Bentley! How was your summer?" She asked politely. Merlin. She was so giddy tonight, despite the train ride issue.

Stupid trains.
Jayden Troutwater. Lovely girl.
"Jayden, it's so good to see you. I had a splendid summer, thank you."
Pausing briefly, she looked down the table... hhmm. "I suggest you return to your house table for the time being dear, the Headmistress hasn't given er speech yet." And the little Eagle wouldn't want to get off on the wrong foot with the woman. First impressions and all.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post

"Evening Seren!" Callie called down to the Herbology Professor as she made her way to her own chair. "The Fanged Geraniums you gave me last term are doing wonderfully, they're getting so big." She scruntched up her nose and grinned at the woman. She would have to bring them down to the Greenhouses for her to see one day soon.
She'd been about to immerse herself in her pumpkin juice again whilst STARING at the Lion table looking for the faces of their new recruits, when a familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Callie!" she chimed out of excitement. "Oh that's wonderful! They're not giving you any trouble are they?" Cause you know, teething was one thing, but they rarely grew out of their seedling mentality. Playful blighters they were.

Seren was conscious of the fact that the BoG were... HERE!.. amongst them. Perhaps she ought to have introduced herself, but she hadn't wanted to interfere or get in the way and all.

Last edited by Hera; 09-03-2012 at 02:02 AM.
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