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Presley Black Elliot didn't fear anything, and Presley admired that. A lot. "True nobility is exempt from fear" she quoted William Shakespeare. Elliot would recognize the quote. She'd borrowed Presley's Shakes collection back when Pres was a second year, and Presley assumed she'd read the whole thing.
She smiled wryly. Pureblood children never really got the chance to be kids like others did. They were expected to be miniature adults, so that's what they became, early on.
Presley sighed in relief when Elliot promised not to write Leo. "We should grab a carriage," she finally said. They were almost all gone, and Presley didn't want to walk back from Hogsmeade in the dark and miss the sorting ceremony. Her cousin was supposed to be sorted this year. Presley had her fingers crossed for Slytherin for the girl. With her father dead, and her mum, like Presley's, a muggle, the girl needed every little victory she could get for their grandparents to like her more.
Elliot wracked her brains...she knew this quote from somewhere...WHERE WAS IT FROM?! she definitely remembered reading it somewhere..and noting it down, because it was such an AWESOME quote, and especially for her.
It popped into her head. That muggle bloke who was an AMAZING writer. "
Touche," she said with a little bow of her head.
Elliot then jumped a little...yeah...they should, shouldn't they?
"HEre..." she said, as she spotted one. She wondered if Presley could see the...threstrals. She looked at her friend curiously..
"Can you...see them?" she asked, a bit quietly...she just wanted to know. Elliot couldnt. She had never seen anyone..die. Not in front of her face. She had left the room when Grandfather Morganzo passed away.