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Sarah was shocked about the severity of the injuries. "
Oh dear! I hope you were not injured greatly. This portkey journey may not have been good for you, Yet do not say that you never want to go on a portkey, that will be cutting off a lot of experiences for you. Portkeys take you to places that you never imagined going. Last year in History of Magic we took a Portkey to the city of Atlantis. People use portkeys to get to the quidditch world cup." Sarah told the girl.
I know as much as you about our things, I assume the Ministry, BoG or school will be taking care of it. Hopefully they will feed our pets tonight though" she thought sadly of Angelina and her companions back on the train, wondering where the students were.
"Nah, nothing too bad." She lied. Really her wrist had started throbbing but she was pretty sure that it would stop soon so there was no need to bring it to anyone's attention. All she did was land badly on it, other's had it much worse!
"Hmmm...well I suppose that does sound cool. What was it like--the city I mean? Is it really under water or is that just a rumour started by some stupid muggle?" Muggles seemed to like making up things and they were hardly ever accurate with their guesses.
Oh so this girl didn't know either.
"Awww, then I guess we'll just hope fort he best." She sighed.
"I just hope that Felix doesn't hurt himself, trying to eat someone else's pet." Hopefully the other pets stayed still so he wouldn't have a chance to get hurt...
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Ariella cringed slightly as Lexa yelled her name, even though they were sitting right next to eachother, and smiled at her. She liked haveing Alexa as a friend, and Dylan too, but it was to bad she had been sorted into a different house than the two of them, "Yeah, well I'm sure it will taste delicious, maybe add a bit of salt and pepper..."
Sighing Ariella looked up and around the great hall, fascinated by the rustic castle walls the the night sky ceiling. "We finally made it to Hogwarts!" Ariella said softly out of the blue, it all felt like a dream. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, but Ari still couldn't shake the incident that had happened while they were traveling to school in the train from her head...
"Hey that's a pretty good idea! Remind me to take some salt and pepper shakers with me. The hat's gonna be pretty sorry when I'm threw with it." She said going into deep thought. What else could she have put on the hat? She was already going to use gravy and in fact she might have even gotten an older kid to bring in a whole pot of gravy to let the hat go for a little swim. She liked the thought of that.
But then Ari got all weird and distance looking in the eyes. She raised a puzzled eyebrow at her but that quickly shifted as she understood why her friend had gotten that way. Lex smiled.
"Yup, we made it. Not even a broken down train could stop us!" Which was a relief because she could have seen herself getting into more trouble if they were still stuck somewhere in the country on the train tracks. She wouldn't have been very well behaved at all...
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Tay looked at her, "Um... what exactly was the bet?" She thought that Alexa was turning weirder by the second.
"Oh I bet that I would be a Ravenclaw and if I won then Ms. Lainey would eat elf food but if I lost then I'd have to eat the sorting hat." She explained. There, it didn't sound nearly as bad as it did in her head!