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After turning away from Landon and Melanie, she noticed another person nearby. He was staring at an empty platter of food rather longingly. hmph. He seemed a little lonely to Alice, so she hobbled over to him on her crutches. "HI PERSON," she said, staring at the empty plate in front of him. "Y'know, food isn't going to appear until headmaster Redhead gives her speech." Yikes. She already knew that this Headmaster was going to be a handful. She could tell by the yelling on the train. But maybe that was just because ti was rather chaotic? "Did you see her on the train? She kind of scared me. I think she's going to be a big change from Tatertot."
She just hoped this headmaster could be nickname after food as well.
Thomas was sitting there feeling like an outsider, wishing he had made an effort to make more friends when he was here before. But he struggled in social situations like these.
These kids. These posh kids. These well spoken,
well educated kids.. they seemed like polar opposites of himself. They all had their little groups already. Who was he to intrude?
But just as that little negative voice started niggling away at his thoughts, making him feel inferior, a younger girl started talking to him.
He frowned slightly, but was relieved that someone was at least making conversation.
“Hi.” He replied, completely failing with the etiquette of introducing himself in that opportune moment. He eyed her crutches and gestured for her to sit at the empty spot beside him.
“You arigh'?” He enquired. And then rather nosily added,
“What 'appened to yer leg?”
He nodded his head, looking from his empty, sad looking plate, back to the Gryffindor girl, his eyes as sad as the plate. He just wanted to EAT! Who cared about speeches when you were HUNGRY?
“I know tha'. I ain' been 'ere for a year buh it don't look like much has changed.” He replied in his broad London accent.
Headmaster Redhead? She? What had happened to the old one? Headmaster Tate? He glanced over at the staff table. No, he hadn't seen her on the train.
“Nahh..” He replied with a shrug.
“ I fink I must've slept mostah the way 'ere.” “..Tate was cool.” He commented as an after thought, but what the girl was saying grabbed his interest. He sat forward a little and looked intently her.
“..In what way did she scare you?” He asked interested. Was she like Professor Lafay? Because that woman was
really scary. Her teaching methods were like something from the dark ages and Thomas struggled in her classes when it came to the note taking. Something that had not gone unnoticed by the professor.
“Do y'know what happened to Tate?” The lad asked, his stomach rumbling again.
Blaady 'ell, 'e was STARVIN'!