Cece had seriously contemplated just skipping the Opening Feast altogether this term but in the end decided she best make an appearance. After all, they did have a new headmistress and there were members from the Board of Governors there. It probably wouldn't look so good if one of the staff members didn't show up. Besides, she had promised a certain young Slytherin that he would be seeing her soon. She didn't want him to think anything had happened to her... or his broom. Plus she wanted to be there to congratulate her cousin once he got sorted into Slytherin.
After scanning the Slytherin table and not finding either of the boys she was looking for, Cece finally made her way to the staff table where she found...
SPOILER!!: This is MY seat
Originally Posted by
Marion Burbage
Is simply had been aaaaaaaaaaaaages since Marion had stepped foot in these charming halls and heard the clicking and clanking of her heels on the stone floors. Of course now, instead of school shoes, she wore rather fancy shoes of a deep purple that stood out against her long lilac skirt. Perhaps she should have shown a bit more of her former house spirit and worn something in brilliant marigold, but no matter. There would be plenty of time for that.
"Hellooooooooo dears," she sang as she made her way towards her seat and sat down. This was her seat, wasn't it? Turning to her left, Marion noticed she was seated next to a blonde woman in a red dress and she inclined her head in greeting. "Evening darling, Marion Burbage."
Originally Posted by
And his seat was taken, taken by someone that was not him for some strange reason. Dash just stared before he carefully began to fold his cloak and then cleared his throat. "You are probably not aware of it, but this is my chair that you are currently sitting in. I'm not exactly a man bent on possessing silly things like chairs, but I am someone who thinks knowing the alphabet is very important. That being said, A-" Dash held out his arm and pointed over to the right, before pointing it at the left "-to Z. I encourage you to find your rightful spot."
... Someone sitting in HER seat, and Dash trying to say it was HIS seat.
"Your seat Dash? I do believe the last time we sat at this table, this seat here..." she said pointing to the one the clearly confused woman was sitting in,
"...was my seat, not yours. Your seat is over there, on the other side of Seren." This time she pointed to the empty seat between Seren and Leo... where Dash needed to go sit.
"Maybe while you're teaching this woman her alphabet, you can learn yours as well." Because the last time Cece checked the alphabet, Healer came
before Herbology while History of Magic came
after Herbology, meaning Dash needed to move on over to his own seat and this other woman to wherever she landed in the alphabet.
Or, Cece could just go sit at the end of the table next to Hecate since the transfiguration professor wasn't there yet. She was sure the potions mistress wouldn't mind her sitting there for a bit. Then maybe later she would just make her way down the table next to Vanora. They did have a lot of catching up to do after all.