Originally Posted by
GanymedeCraft17 :: Ganymede gave Lex a very serious look and simply stated, "Slytherin." She didn't want to ask Lex what house she would want to be in, because Ganymede didn't care to know.
"I would like to try out. Take Slytherin to Victory!" The last part was said with great enthusiasm. Ganymede's family were mostly Slytherins and they even had the decor in their living room silver and green. She only knew two relatives who ended up as Gryffindors on her Mother's side.
"I suppose Gryffindor would be my second choice." She shrugged at the thought, as though it was just something she'd settle on. ::
Slytherin? Lex made a face when the girl quite seriously said that she wanted to be in Slytherin. Sure she had contemplated that house once or twice but never as a first choice. Her father had been a Slytherin but that didn't make the house anymore desirable.
"Well, why would you want to be placed their? It's almost as bad as being placed in Hufflepuff!" To her anyway. Her two choices were Ravenclaw and Gryffindor and she had a feeling that she would get at least one of them.
She nodded over at her with her ambitious plan to lead the house to victory.
"I see...but I heard they haven't been winning Quidditch." Luckily she had a friend who had been coming here to tell her all this.
"If you really want to win Quidditch with your team then you have to be in Hufflepuff...or at least that's what they say." Lex shrugged. It really didn't matter very much to her. They could have been reigning champions for centuries, she still
didn't want to be a puff.