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Bazinga Alexa looked at him for a second. Was he being nice or was he upset that she ran into him. It was an accident Alexa thought to her self. "I am sorry for bumping into you, are you okay?" She looked at him, she didn't hit him to hard, so she hoped he was okay. She looked around nervous and began to fidget with her bag, she didn't know how to read people so this was so hard to know if he was going to be nice or not. "I..I.. well I'm a second year, but this is the first time for me at Hogwarts." she looked down feeling dumb to not know what was going on and wondered if this boy would think she was weird.
"Of course." Of COURSE he was okay. West scoffed. He was West Odessa. OF COURSE he was okay.
A second year? For reals?
"I am too!" A second year, that was. but new at Hogwarts? "We get to go on the carriages up to the school." He explained.
"I've never been on them either but I know all about them obviously. Because I know lots of things, obviously." Because he was West Odessa.
"Come on, you can share a carriage with me. I GUESS. But I'm just looking for my friends first. They might have gone already though."