And finally the bizarre trip had ended! Not that
Cassia didn't like the train or anything, she did. But she didn't enjoy the sudden stop and having to take a portkey and that turn of events. Probably because she was planning on starting to act like a big second year and that was kinda ruined when she freaked out when the train's lights went out. Though she contained her fear and didn't cry, squeak or freeze. Which was really an achievement. She was proud of herself.
And all the uneasiness she had felt earlier subsided the moment she entered the great hall. She stood taking in the scene she had been waiting so much for. Finally! Cassia walked towards the Slytherin table smiling. Usually her smile is bigger but she was actually tired having carried her owl's cage and trunk for quite a long distance. Once she got to the Slytherin table, she slumped down the first available seat she spotted. She inhaled a deep breath . Resting her elbows on the table ,Cassia sighed watching students taking their seats and some walking between tables looking for their friends. She enjoyed watching the firsties who were obvious by the clueless and lost expressions on their faces.
Only last year it was her who felt tensed and confused. Her grin automatically widened remembering her first days at the castle. Not that she was now much older. You wouldn't notice that she change unless you measure her height and compare it to last year. However, deep inside she felt that she was older and wiser….Eh the latter is just an illusion though.
Originally Posted by
After the long journey to Hogwarts, finally he was here now! It was weird since the train stopped suddenly and they continued the journey by portkey. Gary was exhausted, if he could it would be better if he skipped the feast and sleep at the common room. But the blonde guy decided to join the fellow Slytherin at the feast. After he changed his cloth into the uniform, he walked to the Slytherin table.
He couldn't believe that he was a sixth year student now. It did mean that one more year at school and one step closer to face the future. Sigh, what future? Gary still didn't know what would he do after graduated from Hogwarts. He used to want to be a professional Quidditch player before, but since the accident he didn't think that he could play Quidditch anymore. He was only passionate with photography right now. Well, maybe he would discover it later, right?
He spotted some girls at the table, one of them was.. Erin, the girl who had snapped him before. He was too lazy to socialize with girls right now. So the blonde guy just sat far from them. Waiting for the food, he was bored and hungry too. Then he took an apple from his bag and started biting it. She sighed loudly because she got bored! The second year hadn't been waiting for the term to start to sit alone! She looked around her and noticed that the closest person sitting near her was an older boy. And he was eating an apple. The curious girl scooted closer to him and said suddenly, "
Why are you eating an apple?" Eh..probably not a sentence to start a conversation with, "
Erm..I mean Hi!" She said grinning.