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Then she noticed the student that she'd asked about taking a cookie replied and she grinned plucking one out of the air and taking a bite happily as stopped herself from just stuffing it into her mouth. "Hmm... they're delicious" she complimented before continuing. "So you make them every year for everyone?" she continued to ask with childish curiosity.
"I'm Angel Wyatt, but people call me Annie... nice to meet you Kurumi!" she actually meant it, she'd already felt welcome before but everyone just seemed so nice!!! Being happy to meet people within asking for a cookie seemed quite legitimate... to Angel at least![/COLOR]
Cheeks rising in color once again, Kurumi bowed her head in appreciation before answering her question. "
Every opening an closing feast," she nodded. These particular cookies that is. These were special Gryffindor crest cookies that were only made for feasts. "
Besides the common room and the library, the Hogwarts kitchens are where I spend a lot of my time." The house elves were always very accommodating. In fact, Kurumi needed to make a quick stop there after the feast to say hello to Nimma and the others.
Annie, nice to meet you too," Kurumi replied. "
How was your sorting?" Kurumi had only been able to hear the hat declare her a Gryffindor - which was hard to miss considering how loud that hat could be.
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And of course, came Kurumi and her cookies! Followed by Sarah. Ira waved at them and said, "Hey Kurumi! Hey Sarah! Your vacations went well?" she asked, smiling at them. "Those cookies look great Kurumi!" Ira commented, taking a cookie, and munching at it, "And they taste great too!" Saying that, Ira bent forwards and grabbed another. They really were tasty. AND she was really very hungry.
Ira!" Kurumi chirped, waving at the younger lioness. Merlin, wait, when had she grown so much? Wasn't she just a first...no, that was a while ago that Ira had been a first year. Where did the time go? "
Just try not to get too full before the feast actually begins!"
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Sarah laughed again, nearly choking on the cookie. "I guess they do! My mother thought when she had me she would not have to cook as much as she had to for my brothers. Yet my appetite soon surprised her! I eat as much as my brothers. My muggle grandmother once took my siblings and I out to a pizza shop, where there was a special deal. You paid a 6 pounds and you can eat all the pizza slices you want. They were big pizza slices, yet I made the pizza shop loose out - had about 7 pieces, which is equivalent to more then one family-sized pizza! I was slightly stuffed afterwards. My one brother had 12 slices though" she smiled again thinking of that memory. "So you can say I eat a lot!" Hopefully Kurumi would not think bady of her and her eating habits. "Summer was great, a bit lonely. I was used to being in Hogwarts with other girls, yet other then Diagon Alley I never saw any girls that were not family members! Second Year is sounding a bit daunting, yet I am ready for the challenge! It will be less scary then my firs year, hopefully. Because now I know people, luckily. And my baby brother James is in Hogwarts now. Waiting to be sorted - hopefully he is in Gryffindor!" Sarah said, her eyes scanning the place where the sorting ceremony was taking place.
That....was a lot of pizza...
Kurumi sort of just looked at Sarah for a moment, processing the whole pizza story and trying to imagine eating that much. Kurumi had seen Selina stuff her face with just about anything and everything whereas Kurumi had a rather dainty stomach. "
That IS a lot of pizza..."
Laughing softly, Kurumi nodded her head slightly at the second year's words. Kurumi knew what it was like to find summer a little lonely - not having all your friends around. Her summer had been good, perhaps the best she had had in a long time...if not ever. "
I am sure you will do just fine with your second year. You did Gryffindor proud your first year to be sure," she said encouragingly. "
Oh really? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you...that is...what people do, right? When they want something? Crossing your fingers I mean."
Kurumi had learned that over the summer from Lewis. It wasn't something that they did in Japan, so she was still a little unfamiliar with the custom.