Sarah & Kurumi!! ♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥
Ira looked away from Ronnie as other lions came to the table. Which made her even more excited than she was. It was so good to see those familiar faces after a vacation! Ira nodded and smiled wide at each as they settled down.
And of course, came Kurumi and her cookies! Followed by Sarah. Ira waved at them and said, "Hey Kurumi! Hey Sarah! Your vacations went well?" she asked, smiling at them. "Those cookies look great Kurumi!" Ira commented, taking a cookie, and munching at it, "And they taste great too!" Saying that, Ira bent forwards and grabbed another. They really were tasty. AND she was really very hungry.
In between bites of the cookie, Ira listened to Sarah, "You didn't get bruised, did you?" she asked in concern. Because she herself had little scratches on her knees.