Originally Posted by
PotterWings333 Just then Mr. Gibbins ran past a bunch of first year, knocking over a few in the process before making his way to the front. After announcing some instruction Ariella shouted after him, "OI! MR GIBBINS! DO YOU WANT PEPPER BACK NOW!"
Ariella held up the leash to show him...
Holy cow!! For such a little girl she sure could yell very loudly. Sebastian placed his hands around his mouth and yelled back.
Originally Posted by
DancingwithRainbows Annie was still holding the Groundskeepers wombat by the time she reached the boats... she didn't know what to do. Was she meant to take it in a boat or give it back to him. Completely confused she just tried to think about what was happening when she noticed that Lex was also standing there with a couple of other firsties!
"Lex!" she said happily moving a bit quicker to catch up to her while being careful of the slightly more restless wombat... apparently it didn't like it while she moved too quickly so she focused on stroking it's fur to try to keep it calm before she gave it the stick. She was gonna prove to the groundskeeper that she could take care of the wombat... speaking of which, she might have to visit it when she arrived at Hogwarts so she made a mental note to drop in on the groundskeeper every once in a while.
He was anyway nice!
"I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?" she asked the fellow first year who she'd met, seemingly ages ago, in Diagon Alley while she was with her brother... who still hadn't re-appeared!!!
And there was Angel with his little Millie and didn't the wombat just look nice and content with the young Gryffindor.
"YO ANGEL. CAN YOU BRING MILLIE OVER HERE PLEASE." It's not that he didn't trust the girls with his pets. It was just...okay he didn't trust them to take them into the boats. When they were back on solid ground then they could play with them again.
Originally Posted by
cake.ninjak Suddenly EVERYONE was running. Or at least it seemed like it. Even VIPmandude. Was this a race? Was there a "best boat" that everyone knew about except him? Well there was certainly no way he was going to get the rinkydink LAAAAAAAAME boat, so he also broke into a sprint.
He ran so fast that he almost slipped and fell over into the shallows. But with a most skillful windmill motion, he managed to maintain his balance. He had chosen the boat on the far left, which was as-of-yet unoccupied. "HA! I HAVE OBTAINED THE BEST BOAT!" he bellowed triumphantly. How unfortunate for all the other students that they had chosen the incorrect boats.
Sebastian caught sight of the young Ravenclaw race down to the boats and then almost fall into the water. He shouldn't laugh, but it was too funny not to.
Oh and he thought he had the best boat, did he?
"Nah dude. Mine is the best boat." Because it was the biggest.