Text Cut: Alexa
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Lex turned to see that Ari had made her way over to her. She smiled over at the girl but then began to laugh when she said that Felix would be in more trouble than her. Somehow that seemed very much likely and she didn't put anything passed this little guy. "Yeah no kidding, but of course he'll be behaving for the rest of the trip." She said before glaring down at him once more.
"Ooo, I'd love to!" She said with her friend asked her to ride with her. "It'll be fun and we might even get to see the squid for real!!! Wouldn't that be sooo cool?!" She really wanted to see it but she had no idea how to make it surface for that to happen. Meh...she was sure she would be able to think up something by the time they were half-way across so all was good.
There was her name again. She flashed around, nearly tripping over her own feet as she did. After catching her bearings once more Lex looked around in the dim light and saw Angel. She had lost her on the walk over but seemed to have found her again.
"I know, it's been a while hasn't it?" She said with a chuckle.
Though it had been a long time she could never forget this girl and her brother. They were really hilarious and she still wanted them to both be in her house. Then all of them could hang out and she would be able to meet Dylan and Ari! Oh wait! She could meet her now.
"Oh and this is my friend Ari." She said with a smile, nodded her head towards her other friend, as her hands were pretty full.
She turned to Dylan who had asked her if she was fine. Just how many people had seen that fall anyway?? But it wasn't a big deal and at least he wasn't laughing at her so she gave him a nod. "Yup, I'm fine, just a few scratches and an upset Felix but nothing more." Or well...that was what she would tell them no matter what!
"And anyway, we're finally here! Soon we'll be on the other side getting sorted and everything!!! "
Dylan smiled as she said that she was fine "
Thats good.. cant have you being injured before we are sorted" into Ravenclaw of course.. right? He was sure that she still believed that. "
Felix will be fine he is a strong guy.. you can tell. Just dont let him near the sides of the boats dont want him freaking out over a bit of water" yup the last thing they needed was a freaked out kitty scratching them all over.
He smiled and nodded "
Yeah we are! I know! I cannot wait to get there.. the quicker we get sorted the better. " he just wanted to start exploring the school more than anything.. and also wave a wand or two doing some spells. He hoped they were awesome ones that they start of with not lame ones like a levitating spell or something.