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Talk....wait her name....Her brain moved through the fog and slowly registered the words being said to her. Nell moved her hand behind her head and felt a huge lump that was tender to the touch. She groaned again. When had she hit her head?
"Chocolate? Who would want chocolate? I have Edmund...he just doesn't know it yet." She giggled her head lolling back on her neck. His words confused her. "Where is he? Did the Princess come and take him from me?" She looked fierce or as fierce as someone with a concussion could look.
Nell struggled to rise. "I'll jinx her into next week. Turn her stupid pink dress to puke green." She managed to struggle to her feet but swayed and stumbled back into Issac. "Oh my head." She groaned.
Watching as she reached her hand back and then groaned,
yep hit her head... he thought silently. He didn't even want to ask about this princess thing, though his eyes did widen a bit. "Ok, at least yer coherent enough te know...wait Edmend? His eyebrows lifted even more when she'd said she didn't want chocolate because she had Edmend. OK, way more information then he'd wanted to hear...
"Nell, I don't think ye..." Oopsidaisy! Catching her as she stumbled back into him, rising quickly to his feet. He scooped her up so she wouldn't fall. Looking around he searched for that healer who should definitely be around somewhere! "Carriages then..." he muttered. Turning he was amazed at how light Nell was. Or was it really that he could handle that without a problem. Oh well, who knew. "Amelia?" he called over to her. He didn't see her immediately. Had he run that far? Well...maybe he could get Nell into a carriage then find her.
Ummm no...that wouldn't work, 'cause Nell might try and sleep! "EDMEND CLAY!" he shouted, hoping to find him. He was going to hex that guy if he didn't show up soon!