Text Cut: Alexa and Pao
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Pao followed the Groundskeeper in the ever-darkening night. First they were on a street, but they quickly left it for a path. Huffing and puffing slightly due to the steepness of the grade, Pao tried to hold on to Thomas, who was squirming in his pocket. "Thomas, stop it!" WHY did that cage have to pick today to break?
Suddenly a giant glassy sea loomed out of the darkness. Across it lay a massive castle, alight and inviting. It illumined just enough of the path before the group for the first year to see a small fleet of miniature boats floating just off shore. So is that how--?
Distracted by the view, he hadn't been watching his footing. He stumbled on the rocky path and fell headlong into another student. "OOF!" he groaned upon impact. Further losing his balance, he continued his fall onto the hard, dampish ground, Thomas flying from his pocket along the way. Nooo! At this rate, that toad wouldn't survive one week at Hogwarts.
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Trod. Trod. Trod. Stumble just a bit. Trod.
This whole walking to the boats thing was pretty easy once you got the hang off it. Sure she had nearly tripped over just about every bloody stone that laid on the dark ground in all her rush and excitement to get to the boats but that wouldn't deter her! She was on a march to the boats with all the other first years.
Coming to the edge of the lake she could see that the boats were already there. This was the perfect moment to let out a little squeal and so she did. Of course a squeal wouldn't be complete without a little shiver of excitement so there was one of those two as she stood waiting for the next set of instructions. Now that she was so close she could hardly contain herself. Half of her wanted to just jump into one of the boats and just hope it knew where it was going but luckily the other half of her knew better.
Or did it?
Resist Lex; you promised you'd be good...
With a heavy sigh she stood to the side and waited to be joined by the others who she was sure couldn't have been that far behind. Afterall, she hadn't been walking that fast in the first place. See there were already others arriving as well!
She took another step before feeling something collapse right on top of her sending her to the ground and leaving Felix rather unhappy. She shoved off the mass that had fallen on her than realized it was a familiar mass. "Pao!" Merlin she had forgotten that this boy was clumsy. "Are you alright?" Though she should have been half way through strangling him for making her wrist start throbbing again. Man...just when it had stopped!
She watched the figure of a frog land near her then Felix got into a crouching position. Oh no...
Ari skipped slash jogged after Alexa and hoped that Dylan was following. Watching where she stepped so she didn't fall into the lake or something disasterous like that Ari shouted,
"Oi! Lex! Wait up a bit will you!"
Once Ariella had finally caught up to her she noticed Alexa and a young boy, obviously a first year like herself, on the ground and toad hopping around...and a very familiar cat ready to pounce.
"Oh boy!" Ariella groaned