Text Cut: Dimitri
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Dimitri listened to the new boss carefully. After he had finished with his quick lunch, he took his second coffee and took something from his pocket. Chocolate chip cookies! Actually the skinny guy was still a bit hungry. But cookies were enough for him.
Oh, he was giving some announcement, right? Interesting. So, what's new?
The skinny guy kept listening to the boss while he was busy munching his cookies. He was eager to know what Gavin would announce now. Did he just said about offering promotion? Sounds interesting. Dimitri was quite enthusiast to hear that. Actually he wanted to got a promotion, he was eager about the other position, perhaps the one who could gave him more chance to travel abroad. But could he? He was new in this department; been working since last year in here. But.. Well, maybe he should talk it to Gavin later. He sipped his coffee more.
He almost spatted out his coffee. Ouch! But he just coughed slightly because he was choking. WAS HIS LAST STATEMENT WAS KIDDING? No, He knew that Gavin was never kidding about that. BUT MAYBE HE WAS DREAMING? He pinched his arm hard. Ouch! It was hurt. So, WAS IT REAL? DIMITRI DESERVED A PROMOTION TO BE AN UNDERCOVER BUYER? 
The skinnny guy still couldn't believe it. His eyes widened suddenly. "..Me?" Suddenly he spoke. Wow! DIMITRI BURTON WAS VERY EXCITED! He was speechless, didn't know what to say to Gavin except.. "Well.. Thanks, Gavin!" But he still didn't know more about his new position. Well, after this meeting he must talk with the boss to know more about Undercover Buyer job.
He knew the news was going to be a surprise to Dimitri, he'd hoped to have caught him prior to the meeting, but so many things had been happening, and he'd completely spaced it out when he had spoken with Dimitri. Smiling at the man, he nodded "You are quite welcome." Looking up as a few more entered the room he nodded to them, before looking back at Dimitri "Just stop by my office after the meeting."
Text Cut: Harland and Elizabeth
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Harland shifted slightly in his seat before settling back into it. For once he hadn't even touched any of the food in the room - food was the last thing on his mind today. He was really starting to like Gavin. He had been feeling for quite some time that this place needed a change, and as much as he had liked Gina, this was potentially seeming like a very good change indeed.
Nowwwwww... some more changes were in order, yes? Liiiiike maybe something a little more important for Harland in the way of his everyday job? Not a promotion necessarily, but just something to keep him out of the cubicle and feeling like he was actually making a noticeable difference in the world. He sighed nearly in audibly and tuned back into the world.
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george is cool
With a quick glance at her watch, Lizzie realised that she was late. As usual. Why was she always late. Rushing and stumbling, she ran to the conference room, red-faced. She tried to smooth down her crazy-looking hair without success.
Upon arriving, she nodded to the new deparment head. "I'm so sorry, I....COOKIES!" Ooops. She probably shouldn't of said that, thinking about it afterwards. Liz must seem so childish. She was so childish, actually. She bit her lip. "Sorry." Then she went to sit down in an empty seat by Harland, facing the floor.
"Hi," she muttered.
Smiling at the other two "We were just discussing a few changes that are happening in the level. We're going to be making more changes, but for now Dimitri has been promoted to Undercover Buyer and Katrina will be our new ambassador for the magical countries."
Laughing softly as Elizabeth mentioned the cookies "Feel free both of you to grab a bite to eat, there's
plenty there."