You people! *whistle* ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Kurumi met her on the Prefect's Compartment? Oh, that's why she heard rumors about "important" people being on the train with them roaming amongst her fellow Hogwarts students. Beezus liked the woman though, even if she became all dictatorial with them then and there. The situation called for it and she had every bit of authority written all over her shoes voice and mere figure. So Beezus felt like she had to respect her. She demanded respect and Beezus right now, would willingly give it to her without second thoughts.
Poor Alice, she musn't have expected to fall over and knock herself down. Then again, no one knew what was bound to happen before it occurred. "She must see the Healer soon." said Beezus. Well, obviously. That was the best choice they have. even if most students had a not-so-good experience under the Healer's hands
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..the frizbee she was holding was glowing more and more and more and more...
Exactly, what was happening to it? About to detonate, perhaps? Meh. She really had no idea. And she didn't want think about it any further too for right now, she was anxious as to why Richard was still inside the compartment. What was he doing? Munching on the remaining cauldron cakes? He needed to get himself out there! You did not think of leaving without me, right? she heard someone say on her other side.
Instantly, her head moved to face whoever it was that said it. IT WAS RICH! Relief surged through her like lightning and she sighed deeply while she looked at him. Her expression relaxed, though her eyebrows were still a bit furrowed, and she smiled at him. "Thanks goodness you had the sense to get out of that compartment!" Really....what took him so long? "I worried about you." Another siiiiiiiiiiigh. It was true! He had her so worried!
Then Kurumi let go of her Portkey and Beezus' eyes followed the Prefect as she scuttled towards the Ministry guy.
What about their pets? She looked down at Davinci and back to Kurumi. What was with their pets? Can't they just hold them while the Portkey ride wheels on? Because that was exactly what she was doing. Gah, what if the man will tell them to leave their pets?! Her grip on Davinci tightened. No chance. No matter how she hated him, she wasn't going to leave the feline in that stranded train!
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