Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:27 AM   #219 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
A smile flickered as she gave out a small squeak. "Merlin I missed ye." he whispered holding her as she buried her head in his chest. He'd been almost afraid that she wasn't coming to Hogwarts that year! There last year! When she hadn't replied, he didn't know what to think, thought maybe she wasn't sure how to tell him that she wasn't returning!

Stroking her hair, he let her stay that way in his arms, because for one he had no doubt that's where he wanted her to be! "What happened te ye this summer? Is everything okay at home?" he asked softly. Maybe that's why she'd never replied. He'd never had her not reply! "I waited as long as I could put me mum and dad off, but I finally had te go." he said closing his eyes briefly. He hadn't wanted to go, not without Amelia!

And that trip had been a complete disaster! Nothing but his mum trying to talk him into staying and not going back. AND then finding out the portkey had been a one way trip hoping to force him to stay there besides!!!
"Of course everything at home is okay. Why wouldn't it be?" Amelia asked, looking up at Isaac with a confused look on her face. "And what do you mean you waited as long as you could? I mean, was everything okay with you? When you didn't show up I kinda figured something had happened to you, or that your parents decided not to let you come," Amelia finished, even more confused now since he mentioned waiting.

She'd replied to his note straight away, he only should have been waiting for a day or so, if that, for her response. The weather hadn't been that good, and she'd been in France at the time she sent the reply but the reply still should have reached Isaac in not much time at all.

When Isaac didn't end up showing up she ended up spending the rest of her Summer looking after Harper while her parents went away for a holiday. Second honeymoon or something. She really didn't much understand why they decided they wanted to spend time together again, but they had and since she had suddenly found herself having nothing to do she got stuck babysitting. Not that she'd minded too much as she'd gotten quite a few good pictures of Harper and done some scrapbooking as well.

But still...
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