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Old 08-31-2012, 04:17 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
With a small laugh, Ella nodded. "And now I won't starve." Which was good in all cases.

Ella took another sip of her tea and nodded as Gavin spoke. He had traveled a lot too, like her. "That's good then," she commented about him having a lot of contacts out there. "That must be contribute to being the head of International Cooperation, I'm sure." Just a wild guess. Ella smiled again. "Yes, it was a good time while I was their. I was always fond of the school, and teaching there was a privilage. I enjoyed it." But, like she said, she realized after a few years that she wanted to be back out in the action again. Ella sighed quietly. "It was fun, but I'm glad for the change. I'm still doing what I love, I just get to be more involved and get more action." Just like the old days... The good days. Ella nodded when Gavin got up to get more tea. "Help yourself. I have some little caramel candies, too," she said, pointing to a glass bowl by the tea.
Laughing himself he nodded "That's always a good thing. Somehow the employees don't like finding us on the floor of our office starved to death." Well at least level 5 never had that issue, with Gina's cookies always appearing when they need one.

"A bit yes. But I think my contacts within the black market and other ministries probably attributed to it as well." he replied with a nod. Gosh he probably had more contacts in other ministries then a lot of other people did in just the continent they were on! "It helps having your own contacts at times, especially if you know precisely what you're looking for and know who to contact to get it."

Nodding he totally got where she was coming from "I think that's the hard part about not being out there, it's why I've moved so much. I hate just sitting back and watching the action, gotta be out in it!" Taking a caramel from the bowl, he smiled "Thank you." Taking another drink of the tea he sat back in his chair.