♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫ Harland shifted slightly in his seat before settling back into it. For once he hadn't even touched any of the food in the room - food was the last thing on his mind today. He was really starting to like Gavin. He had been feeling for quite some time that this place needed a change, and as much as he had liked Gina, this was potentially seeming like a very good change indeed.
Nowwwwww... some more changes were in order, yes? Liiiiike maybe something a little more important for Harland in the way of his everyday job? Not a promotion necessarily, but just something to keep him out of the cubicle and feeling like he was actually making a noticeable difference in the world. He sighed nearly in audibly and tuned back into the world.
__________________ Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change. |