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Old 08-30-2012, 05:11 PM   #186 (permalink)
Uncle Moose
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Von Culpepper
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Paige Hall
Sixth Year
x7 x8
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi sort of just stared at Oakey again for a few moments. Seriously, why WAS it always him? Poor guy...did he not have his lucky charm anymore? Or, wait, hadn't that spell of bad luck gotten better? Granted, Kurumi had sort of thought that the whole cursed with bad luck was mostly his imagination back when they had first met...

Oh phew. So Kurumi had guessed it right. And she probably shouldn't laugh at the way he was smiling now. Or stare at the way that his teeth seemed to devour his face. Or the way, Kurumi wasn't going to finish her thoughts on this because it would only make her laugh and she didn't want to embarrass the poor guy.

"Um...I think I can," Kurumi said as she idly twirled her wand between her fingers. "I need you to hold still," she continued as she pointed her wand towards his rabbit teeth. Flicking her wand firmly at the wrist in an sharp upwards movement towards his gums. "Dentesarto." Kurumi hadn't had to use this Tooth Shrinking Spell before, minus the one time she had taken care of several jackalope who hadn't been able to gnaw on wood properly to keep their teeth healthy.

Hopefully it would work.

Oh thank Merlin! His teeth, they were shrinking back down to normal size. He felt them go back into his mouth and he smiled his normal smile once more. "Kurumi!" He beamed. "Thank you sooooo much! I don't know what I'd have done if you didn't show up."

Actually he would have probably began gnawing on the nearest piece of wood nearby on the train. You know do, what the beavers do.

"I'm sorry Kurumi." Oakey switched quickly from thankful to apologetic. "I didn't mean to cast on myself. I guess it was my first successful Non-Verbal jinx"
He gave off a quick smile before saying this because he was sort of proud of it.
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