Thread: Front Cars
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Old 08-30-2012, 10:08 AM   #178 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
x1 x2
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post

The second year Ravenclaw was excited - ecstatic even about going back to Hogwarts. She was going to be the most powerfulest witch ever. She grinned to herself not knowing she had just thought a word that wasn't even a word.

Mika had left her trunk in the other compartment. No one could get into it though because her mum was smart and charmed it so only she or someone who was supposed to open it could open it. Or maybe her mum was just a little but looneytunes.

Peaking her head into the compartment she couldn't help but grin. She spotted someone who actually looked nice. She liked nice people. Nice people didn't run away from you like scared little chickens...she decided to be calmer than earlier.

"Hi" she piped up as she stepped into the compartment. "Is that a ducky?" She asked squeaking a little as she spoke. She liked ducks. Ducks floated, and according to those silly men from that movies witches were weren't they all ducks? And made of wood?

"I'm Amelia but you can call me Mika!"
Maybe he should catch some sleep before they arrived at the station. It would still be a few hours until they were there and because he had been nervous about going back to school he had not slept well during the night at home.

The fifth year Slytherin closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh to relax. A whole year of worrying whether or not he was going to pass his exams, great. Trying not to think about it, Daichi rolled his body so that his face was facing the backseat. Just relax and....what the?

A noise made him open up his eyes as he lazily moved his head to the door. A kid was standing there and Daichi frowned a little. Great, there goes his peace... Oh well, might as well...wait...did she say ducky? Automatically, Daichi grinned from ear to ear. Only the word could make him grin apparently. "Yes! yes it is!" he said cheerfully, suddenly wide awake because clearly this young one was interested in the duck as well judging by the tone of her voice. He sat upright and opened up his backpack to grab the plushy out. "His name is Mr.Duckles~" and he was his bestfriend/hero!

"Nice to meet you Mika!" he smiled and with a small bow he added. "I'm Daichi" He then picked his luggage up and placed them above in the trainrack. "You want to sit down?"
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