|Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!| Elinor merely nodded as Aron bounced ideas off the other two. She was too busy getting an idea. She picked up one of the pieces and held it up to the light, looking carefully along one of the cracks. "I don't want anyone using any kind of magic on these, alright? No levitation, no nothing..."
She picked up one of the pieces adjacent to it and pushed them together where they met before they broke. She thought very carefully, then turned from the pieces and made a little path around the lab. She grabbed a box of sticky tack and a jar of vanishing serum before returning to the table. "No wands..." she said quietly to herself as she took the sticky substance and quickly began to squish it in the palms of her hands. Usually, the substance was used to hold things together for a short amount of time. She was going to experiment today...
She worked at the clay-like material until it was almost like pudding. She then grabbed a long swab and, after passing the tack into the jar, began to vigorously mix it. "And now..."
She crossed to where a few of her own mixtures were sitting. She found a sealing solution she had formed, designed to magically cover any small opening. She tested a small splash in the jar to make sure it would not react badly. Then she poured a healthy amount in and began to mix. The solution easily bonded with the thick glue to form a watery texture. The woman held the jar up to the light for a second, pretty much forgetting about explaining what she was doing.
She picked up the first piece again. The lab tech ran the swab quickly over the edge of the crack and placed the other piece together. She watched carefully as the hairline crack faded away. Holding her other hand carefully under it, she gently shook the one big piece, testing it. But it was solid.
The woman beamed, very proud of herself. Shifting her weight, she continued stirring and swiping, piecing the orb back together bit by tiny bit, praying that there wasn't a TIIIIIIIIINNYYYYYYY piece somewhere...
Carefully, but quickly, the woman worked, sealing together the cracks. After a while, she had formed the sphere back together. She held it carefully in her gloved hand. Elinor had managed to put the sphere back together without using a single spell...
...take that.
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