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Old 08-29-2012, 05:50 PM   #225 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by potterfan180 View Post
"Yeah, just burned my tongue." Katrina said smiling at him. "It was a stupid mistake. I wasn't thinking." What was wrong with her? She placed her hand over Gavin's. "Thank you and congratulations. You deserve it." She wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, but didn't know if there was rules against that or not, so she squeezed his hand softly. "What do you think will happen to my tongue?" she asked him.
Wincing at Kat's words, "Ouch." he murmured. He'd done that a few times too many. Squeezing her hand back he beamed "Thank you." Laughing he shook his head "Guess it'll be tender, might need to use a healing charm, if it hurts too much."

Text Cut: Sophie & Dart
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
There was not much that he could do. She just needed a vacation was all- at least she hoped that was all it would take. She loved her line of work and she would hate to have not be able to work as much because of her lack of sleep. Honestly, it was nothing.

Then she heard the news- Gavin was the new head of the department. She needed to process that. He was going to be brilliant, but it was a lot to process. So silence was all that he got from Sophie.
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
That's why they were here.

Dart continued to munch on he's food as Gavin let out an announcment. Aha! He knew Gina had left, and now obviously someone had to replace her. Being he's arrogant self Dart thought it would be him even though he trully didn't deserve it. He was a lazy but and just plain arrogant. He was surprised of this news, but he didn't feel like stating that. Gavin probably needed this more anyways. Dart didn't care too much about he's work, he preffered to think about Amy all day and how beautiful she was.

All Dart did was give Gavin a thumbs up. He had sort of earned respect for him over he's time here and if he hadn't he wouldn't have taken this so easily.

Munch! Dartanian took another bite from he's food and continued as nothing was new.

Watching the others reactions, Sophie was hard to read, she'd learned to hide her emotions well, it was one of the things he'd learned quickly he needed to do as well, especially in the ministry. If you let things get to you, it'd take you down. Just like the thing with Gina retiring. Smiling he nodded as Dart gave him a thumbs up. The guy wasn't too bad, a little arrogant at times, but did his work when he had to. sometimes

"So I've made a few changes in our department. One was a request, and the other a promotion." His eyes flickered around the room at each of them, "I would love to do more promotions for anyone who shows me that they are working hard, or even feels that you deserve one over the years that you've been here." He knew Gina gave them out very sparingly and even he hadn't gotten one in the 5 years he'd been in the position. "If you are looking at changing positions though let me know, I'll see what we can do. Perhaps you're ready to move on to something new, more exciting. Stop me here or come to my office after the meeting."

"The two changes I made, were: Katrina has been moved to Ambassador. We haven't had an ambassador for the Magical countries, and particularly Atlantis has needed someone there as of lately so when she requested a move from undercover buyer, I transfered her into the position." Looking down the table towards Dimitri, "The other change I've made is we really do need to have an undercover buyer, and with Kat switching and myself no longer on the floor I've promoted Dimitri to Undercover Buyer." Smiling at the man, he added "I want to add my congratulations there, he's done well and deserves it."