Thread: Back Cars
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Old 08-28-2012, 09:03 PM   #41 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
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caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose

Originally Posted by AlexandraRamos View Post

Quite a funny name for a bird.
"I don't particularly adore them, but I do favor them over all other animals. I suppose that counts for something."
Although a few have taken dumps on his head as he's been walking down the street, but Ace had the sense to separate those incidents from his liking of the birds themselves.
Besides, if he were a bird he would do the same thing.

"And that makes for another thing we have in common."

So talking to her first was definitely the best choice. Quite an interesting coincidence.
There was a low rumbling sound coming from the tracks and Ace stepped back from the bird.

"Seems as if the train is arriving now." he raised his voice over the sound of the whistle. "Would you like to sit together?" Especially since you could say she has no other choice.

Personally, he would prefer to sit at the back of the train. That way he could observe more people as he got on and off. As well, he wouldn't be rushed by a load of anxious people behind him. Ace liked to take his time.
Good, Ace was partial to birds. Hopefully he wouldn't mind Norman much then.

"I suppose so," she agreed. Though to be honest, Micha hadn't really been keeping track of what they did and did not have in common. It was more of a subconscious thing.

She strained to hear as the train rolled into the station. Micha nodded. "Sure," she called over the noise. At least her worst fears of sitting alone on the train ride had been dissuaded. She rolled her trunk towards the platform, leading the two of the towards the train. Eventually they ended up in the back of the train where Micha snagged an empty compartment and heaved her trunk into the overhead rack, setting Norman's cage on the floor.

"How old are you again?" she asked Ace in the midst of her arranging and settling in. It was made quite clear that she liked things neat.
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