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Oakey passed down a few empty compartments until he came to one he figured was good enough. Pushing his luggage in he sat down, without bothering to load his things above him.
This will be the first year Valentine will stay home before he flies to Hogwarts on his own, Aegis said he he wanted to keep valentine home for the sake of owling Mr.Merdog before anything. Oakey didn't even think Aegis took a liking to the former Groundskeeper, not like he did.
At least Charmer slept peacefully in his crate, like the good little black cat he was. Oakey figured now was good a time as any to take his mind off what had happened outside on the Platform. Jarvis being a Muggle tricks obsessed fool, and Sophie's (and her father's) evil glares. Before he went to sleep Oakey went over to the compartment door and opened it slightly, just in case the food trolley passe him by or if anyone besides Sophie wanted to sit in with him.
Laura was walking down the corridor when she suddenly saw the one person she wanted too see but at the same time she didn't want too see, she slowly walked into the room. "Oakey." Laura walked upto her boyfriend and gave him a little kiss and a hug. "How was your Holiday?" Laura would tell Oakey about the kiss when she knew he was in a good mood otherwise he might storm off or worse dump her and she didn't want that to happen, she wished Lana was about but she hadn't seen her lately.