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Old 08-28-2012, 05:35 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Default I swore I replied O.O I read this I was here...

Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Ella sighed contently. "That's good to know. Of course I still have to remember where everything is on each floor. That will also take some time." She let out a little laugh and sipped her tea again. It would all come in time though.

A Daily Prophet journalist, too. Interesting. "Did you like that? Journalism?" Just curious. Oh, time turners. Time room, time turners, it all made sense. "Oh, okay. I didn't know we made them here. That's fascinating." She had never used a time turner, although she could think of a time where she could definitely go back and change the past.
Laughing he nodded before taking a drink of his tea "I think that was the hardest part of learning the ministry. Finding where everything but the departments were. I swear I went around the ministry twice before finding the cafeteria we used to have!" And all he'd wanted was a sandwich!

"I did, I was editor back in San Fransisco. It was trying at times, but it was fun work. When I came to London I was a photo journalist so I did photography, which I found I liked a lot more." Watching as she put the two together he grinned, "Yep, it was fun seeing them become one, and testing was always a bit fun with sitting in the room with yourself, not always a walk in the park but fun all the same." He wondered what she was thinking, she looked kind of like she was thinking something, but couldn't be sure. He didn't know her well enough to tell that. "So what did you do before this?"