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Oh, hello Miss Snooty. Genevieve watched the girl pretend as if she was alone in the compartment, her nose almost literally in the air. It would be insulting if it wasn't so... dead amusing. Snotty-britches didn't have a leg to stand on... the car was Genevieve's.
"Lex. Let's play a game. I bet you another chocolate frog that I can make Miss Thing here smile before you can." See that? The girl could earn up to FOUR chocolate frogs if she was a good sport.
Was she an inanimate object? How dare someone refer to her as a THING? And, what was that about making her
"You are so going to lose that bet, missy." Abby didn't really feel like smiling right now. She was stuck in this stupid compartment with a girl wanted to make her smile and another girl who just kept staring at her.. and it was starting it creep her out a little.
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And just then someone else walked in. She sighed inwardly when she saw that it was just another older kid. So in the end she had spoken too soon. It was just as she thought, they did stick to each other...even if they didn't realize it. HUGE SIGH.
But there was something familiar about the girl that entered and took a seat away from them, something...very familiar--that's it! The girl who was being all gross earlier with the guy that must have been her boyfriend...
Yeah staring as wrong but with a display like the one the girl had given earlier she couldn't pry her eyes away. It just seemed like no matter where she went someone else was kissing. Such a shame too.
... GOSH. Stop with the staring already. Abby folded her arms and raised an eyebrow at the girl. See? That was why she didn't like kids. They just creeped her her out. Most of the time.
"What on earth are you staring at? Are you like admiring my beauty or something?" Because that was totally allowed.