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Zarifa tried to move as carefully as possible through the train, she managed half way but got accidentally bumped into a compartment, apparently not empty. she fell flat on her back with a thud, her owl Mauve ended up being flung in the nearest seat. She noticed she scraped her knee, she started to sob.
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The last time the girl had been this apprehensive about a trip on the Hogwarts Express was her first year. So, after waiting until the very last moment to board the train, Emmaleigh made her way towards the middle of the train. With Halt’s cage in one hand, and her trunk dragging along behind her, Em peered in several compartments looking for a place to sit. Seeing Oakey sitting in one, she decided to go in, only to find a girl on the ground in tears. Dropping her trunk and leaving it in the corridor, she sat the owl’s cage on the floor in the compartment as she knelt down beside the crying girl. “Hey, whats wrong? you okay?” she asked, as she tried to comfort the girl by placing her hand reassuringly on her shoulder.
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She looked up to see a blurry figure ask if she was okay. "I....I... got puushhhed.... and fell... hit my knee..." she said through sobs. She felt so childish sitting on the floor of a compartment crying. Her knee hurt so much and she didn't even dare to look at the boy probably with a shocked look on his face. She put her head in her hands.
The loud thud to the floor surprised Oakey some, he turned his head to see a girl had hit the floor pretty hard. He couldn't imagine anyone being more clumsy than he was while at school. In fact he was sure that if he was in her place he'd have tripped right out the window of the moving train. He was going to stand up when someone else came walking into the compartment to check on the girl.
Oh hey it was his Bowling Teamie, Emmaleigh. He greeted her with a nice smile and then turned his attention back down to the girl on the floor. He didn't see the pushing happen, but stood up as well to make sure the girl was alright.
"I'm sure it was an accident", Oakey started at first.
"You're knee was only scrapped a little do you want me to make some bandages?"
He looked at Em who had placed her arm on the girls shoulder.
"Ferula" Oakey said as he removed his wand from it's holster. The bandages streamed out of Oakey's wand for only a moment, enough just to wrap around a knee too. When the bandages stopped he picked them up and held them out to Em.
"Here, you get them on her."