Thread: Front Cars
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Old 08-28-2012, 02:03 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan View Post
YAY! Finally! Time to leeeeave!

Ronnie walked down the corridor of the train, wondering where she should sit. Hmm... Meh. She wasn't gonna walk all over the train looking for friends, she'd just find a compartment up here in front and let them come find her. She was just too tired right now.

She slipped into the first compartment she found and shut the door and put her stuff up. She set Oliver's crate down and smiled at the gray kitten inside. "Hey buddy!" she said as she opened it, patting her lap so he could come sit on it. He slowly made his way out, taking his time to stretch a bit and then hopped onto her lap and curled up, purring as Ronnie began to stroke him. She sighed, looking out the window as the scenery flashed by. She grinned. She could not wait until she'd finally be back at Hogwarts. She could almost taste the delicious food at the feast! Mmm...chickennnnnn...
Walking down the corridor Isaac hadn't seen Amelia all summer and he was completely miserable. He had no idea where she had been, he'd not gotten to Wales, he'd spent almost a month in Australia and now he just wanted to find someone he knew! Tapping on the door, when he saw Ronnie inside, he hoped she was up for company because he didn't feel like sitting all alone the whole trip to school. He was miserable enough as it was.

His mum and given him an owl of his own finally which he'd named 'Sprite' and he was carrying the cage in his hand. It was just a little owl, just a scops one, but he adored it already. He just wished he was in a better mood, he was irritated with the problem with Amelia and didn't know what to do about it, but yet wanted to deal with the fact he'd completely avoided going to Egypt which was even worse not putting his mood anywhere but lower.

Sighing he just entered the compartment and dropped into a seat across from her putting the cage on the floor between his feet. "Hey."