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Ezra's day had seemed quite a mess. At first, he had thought he showed up late. Then he ended up having trouble crossing over the wall of 9 and 10, now that was a mind-struggle. He did happen to find Elle, and they had a good little chat, but then Bugaboo was misplaced onto another boy's luggage, and the conversations there where.. well.. a little awkward.
But his day was only getting started! Ezra placed the bigger bags in the cubbie under the train, then stepped aboard with his messenger bag and fruit bat Bugaboo, who was perched on his shoulder. Was he one of the first students on board? Walking down the isles of cars, most of them where empty. Only a couple students here an there, all sitting alone.
Ezzi found the middle cars, deciding on the empty one on the left. The door slid open and he stepped in, Bugaboo jumping off Ezra's shoulder to settle himself on the back of one of the velvet chairs. Ezzi pulled out a book and pen before shoving his bag in the compartment above his head, and sat in the seat across from Bugaboo.
Good time to catch up on his poetry.
Ronnie walked along the corridor of the train, looking for someone to sit with. She absolutely hated sitting by herself, she just couldn't stand it. She just had to have a buddy to sit with, she was
NOT going to ride this train by herself!
She walked along the middle cars, spotting a boy by himself in one of the compartments. Hmm...she'd never seen him before. Time to make a new frieeeeend! She slid open the door and smiled at him, clearing her throat a bit to get his attention.
"Can I join you?" she asked.