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Old 08-27-2012, 08:58 PM   #221 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RandomRaven View Post
Finally... FOOD!

Dimitri Burton was completely hungry. When he brought the trays from the food court to the level 5, he tried not to drool over them. The skinny guy admit that bringing food from the food court wasn't easy. Not because it was heavy or exhausted, but because he must tried not to eat them before. But now, it's time to EAT! He took sandwich and coffee to start his eating time.

While he was busy munching his sandwich, Dima listened to Gavin's speech about announcing Gina's retirement.. and himself who was promoted to be the department head. The 21-year-old guy had known it before, since he noticed the announcement board and he had visited Gavin at his new office before. After he finished with his sandwich, he took a sip of his coffee and suddenly he stood up from his seat. "Well.. Congratulations for you, Gavin Higareda, as the new department head." said him while he clapped his hand. "You really deserve it." Though he just had worked in this department for a year, but he admitted that Gavin was so much helpful to the fellow level 5 employees.
Flushing as Dimitri started clapped, he smiled softly at him. He'd certainly never expected to have earned the position, but was honored and accepted it more then willingly. "Thank you. It was certainly unexpected but not unwanted." He just hoped that he would be the kind of department head that Gina had been. He didn't want to let his team down, and couldn't bear the thought of letting them all down!

Plus the way he saw it he felt he'd be letting Gina down besides! He had big shoes to fill, she'd been there for a long time and had built the level up. He didn't want to tear down all she had done there.

Originally Posted by potterfan180 View Post
Katrina quickly grabbed food and a cup of raspberry tea. She found her seat next to Gavin and smiled at him as she took a quick sip of her hot tea. Not a good idea. She had burned her tongue and tried not to show it to everyone, but ended up knocking Gavin's knee with hers. Why was she so dumb? Of course the tea is hot!
"Are you alright?" he asked softly, as she took a sip and nearly jumped out of her chair, knocking his leg. He knew the tea had to have been hot, his own coffee cup was burning when he took a drink. He liked how those cups were charmed to stay hot even after sitting a bit! His hand reached over squeezing her knee gently.